Your Weekly Horoscope: Take It Easy and Indulge in a Little Passion!


On September 16, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Take It Easy and Indulge in a Little Passion!

September 17 – 23, 2018

This is one week in which it could pay to go slowly and be patient, no matter how much you might want to express frustration or break free from a difficult situation. This is because sassy Mars forges and awkward angle to unstable Uranus, which could cause impulsive actions. These could do more harm than good, though, so be aware. 

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A merging of the sun and chatty Mercury takes place in Virgo on Thursday, and they continue to dance together as they move into Libra. Lively Mercury goes first on Friday followed by the sun on Saturday. Sweet Venus continues in intense Scorpio, adding a more passionate quality to certain relationships.

Expressive Mercury angles toward prudent Saturn on Sunday, which suggests difficulties communicating with someone in authority, perhaps a boss. But interactive Mercury aligns harmoniously with dynamic Mars the same day, leading to some sparkling conversations.

Aries Weekly Horoscope
As an awkward transit between firebrand Mars and restless Uranus reaches a peak on Tuesday, it would pay to take extra care. At the same time, a positive tie between the sun and eloquent Mercury in your lifestyle zone can be excellent for initiating conversations, planning, and kick-starting new activities, especially those associated with mental work. As both planets glide into Libra on Friday and Saturday, the focus shifts to your relationships and the potential for collaboration and teamwork. This lively blend of energies can also enhance your social life.  Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Cooperation can be better than resistance, especially where your job, a business contract, or an important goal are concerned. With eloquent Mercury and the illuminating sun forging a bond this week, the key to this situation can be an honest discussion. If you’re willing to talk and perhaps put yourself in the other person’s shoes, a compromise might be possible. As the sun and chatty Mercury move into your lifestyle sector on Friday and Saturday, the focus shifts to your routines and how well they support you. It might be time to give this issue some thought. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
A desire to explore new terrain and uncover new opportunities could conflict with the urge to go within and uncover the secrets of your psyche. These two warring factors might lead to a lack of cohesion and perhaps leave you feeling edgy and uncertain about aspects of the future. As the sun and cheery Mercury move into Libra and your leisure sector on Friday and Saturday, your focus can become much more dynamic. This is very much a time to showcase your creative talents and get your message out to the world. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
The week kicks off with a restless focus that could lead to actions resulting from frustration. This could coincide with a financial issue regarding a bank or other organization, or a desire to bring a deeply personal situation to an end. The best way to approach this is by staying calm. Both chatty Mercury and the sun move into Libra and your home zone on Friday and Saturday, which can be great for getting organized and creating harmony on the domestic front. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Feisty Mars and rebellious Uranus clash at the start of the week, so you could feel particularly frustrated with someone who seems eager to disrupt your plans. If you also need this person on your side, this could be one matter that requires some tact if it’s to be resolved. As the weeks progress and emotions ease, you could find it easier to deal with this. As lively Mercury and the sun move into Libra and your communication zone, your approach to negotiating can be greatly enhanced. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Routines could be disrupted this week as dynamic Mars angles toward electric Uranus. It might even be a pleasant disruption, but it could still affect your schedule. Try to be flexible and give yourself an option. As inquisitive Mercury and the sun move into your money zone on Friday and Saturday, you might feel moved to balance your accounts. Spending on stylish and beautiful items could also appeal, such as clothes or something very artistic for the home. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Don’t be too eager to get a romantic relationship off the ground. With feisty Mars, your planet of relating, angling awkwardly toward edgy Uranus, you might feel an urgency regarding someone with whom you seem to have great chemistry. It might not be wise to push it. Allow things to take a more relaxed course. Getting too close too soon might not work out as you hope.The sun can bring a boost of vitality and enthusiasm that you can harness to accomplish so much more. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
It could be an intense week! As firebrand Mars, your co-ruler, forges a conflicting angle with restless Uranus, it could disrupt family plans. Don’t stress too hard, and try not to get upset — with a little flexibility, you can easily find a compromise. You might be feeling like spending some time with company earlier in the week, but things will slow down when talkative Mercury and the sun move into a secluded and spiritual sector of your chart. The coming weeks can be your opportunity to create balance in your life by letting go of those things that have been holding you back for too long. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
The week could start with a tense standoff. If a situation comes to a head, you might be ready to do anything to force the pace or bring it to a conclusion. Be careful, though, as hasty action could undo all your hard work. You could be a rising star at work or in your community as a potent blend of energies suggests that your words could hit home and be welcomed and even embraced. Something you say could mark you as having the qualities of a leader and a very thoughtful person. Your social life begins to sparkle more on Friday and Saturday as lively Mercury and the sun move in. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Try not to be too hasty concerning spending money, even though there might be an item or experience that seems too good to miss. You could splurge on something, especially early in the week, only to find that it wasn’t what you thought. As lively Mercury moves into Libra on Friday, followed by the sun on Saturday, your sector of career and ambition comes into focus. The coming weeks could see you networking with key people and ready to negotiate. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
If a domestic arrangement seems to be holding you back, the coming week could be a time when you seek greater freedom. The coming days could also see an issue resurfacing, and this might be your chance to deal with it once and for all. If it’s deeply emotional, applying a little logic might help. Both lively Mercury and the sun move into Libra and your sector of travel and adventure on Friday and Saturday, and this could lighten and brighten the mood. New opportunities might encourage you to leave your comfort zone. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Keeping a secret for fear of what others might say may no longer be viable. The desire to speak out could reach a peak on Monday, and all the things you were so eager to keep inside could come spilling out – and someone could be shocked by what you have to say. In the long term, it might be better that they know. As talkative Mercury and the sun move into a more intense sector of your chart on Friday and Saturday, the coming four weeks can be a good opportunity to get to the heart of an issue that may have been niggling at you for some time. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope.  —By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @marctaraz via Twenty20

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