Your Weekly Horoscope: Get Ready for an Action Packed Thanksgiving Week!

November 19 – November 25
There is a very buoyant and bubbly week ahead that includes Thanksgiving Day, the start of the holiday season. On Monday, fiery Mars in Pisces aligns with positive Jupiter, which could possibly see you biting off more than you can chew. With celebrations imminent, it’s best not to overload yourself with too many tasks. Try to delegate.
The illuminating sun blazes into Sagittarius on Thursday, bringing a lot of energy and fun to any family and social occasions. There’s also a full moon in Gemini that day to add some extra fizz and sparkle. Conversations could be intriguing, but be mindful not to give away too much information.
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On Saturday, nebulous Neptune turns direct after many months in its retrograde phase, and this might help you turn your dreams into reality.
Finally, a very bubbly tie between the sun and Jupiter on Sunday could see you relaxing and enjoying life very much.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
You’re feeling good this week, although you’re also questioning what’s going on with your deepest beliefs and self-knowledge. What’s true and what isn’t? It’s time to figure that out, Aries. And when in doubt, trust your intuition! And with Thursday’s full moon in Gemini, conversations could sizzle with promise, but don’t believe everything you hear. On Saturday, Neptune turns direct and so it’s time to channel that creativity and make magic happen! Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
An active social life continues as dynamic Mars powers through this sector of your chart. You might feel like you want to spill a secret early in the week, but make sure to think it over first! With the sun moving into the sign of Sagittarius and a more intense and sensitive sector on Thursday, this becomes a very busy zone. Financial matters, as well as other deep soul issues could be at the forefront, so consider talking it over with a trusted friend, therapist, or counselor. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Although you might be tempted to over promise and thereby potentially under deliver, it’s best to keep your commitments honest. Let your reputation remain in tact, Gemini! Relationships of all kinds – romantic, business, day-to-day – come into their own with a major focus on this sector. Trust your gut about how to proceed, and don’t make any rash decisions. There is a full moon on Thursday, too, which could be very buoyant. Just be careful about talking too much trash to untrusted sources. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
The theme of this week is think before you act! Trust us. And also, remain optimistic and believe in your ability to succeed. You’ve got this, Cancer. As the sun moves into Sagittarius and your lifestyle sector on Thursday— and also a new moon in Gemini!—you might feel like a bottle of champagne that has been shaken and is ready to pop. You’ve got some restless energy. Look forward to a wild Thanksgiving! Finally, dreamy Neptune turns direct on Saturday, which could enable you to feel more centered. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
You’re ready for adventure! Just make sure to think it over before you act. And with the sun moving into the sign of Sagittarius and your leisure and romance zone on Thursday, and a full moon in your social zone follows shortly thereafter, you are ready to PAR-TAY. Have fun, Leo! You’re so good at it! On Sunday, keep your eyes peeled for even more good times—and perhaps some romance, too! Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
You might be ready to mix it up in your home—a light remodel, maybe?!—but make sure it’s doable before you go bonkers on it. You don’t want to start something and get tired before it’s done. That said, don’t ignore the urge, either! Baby steps, Virgo! And with the sun moving into your home zone on Thursday, and later the same day, aa very lively full moon, you might find yourself center stage and ready to shine. Pass the mashed potatoes! Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
It’s a big week for you, Libra! Big stories, big ideas, and even bigger plans. Early in the week, you might find yourself diving into a fun new project. On Thursday, the illuminating sun moves into your sector of talk and thought on Thursday, where it joins upbeat Jupiter and chatty Mercury. However, Mercury continues its retrograde phase this week, so just be careful about starting any big fights on Thanksgiving. Stay balanced, and enjoy that pumpkin pie! Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Try not to do any major holiday shopping early in the week, Scorpio. Save those dollars by setting a limit. When the sun moves into your money zone on Thursday—where it joins upbeat Jupiter and dealmaker Mercury, currently in its retrograde phase—it’s wise to keep all your receipts, especially if it’s for a big ticket purchase! Thursday’s full moon might encourage you to splurge, but maybe a nice night in front of Netflix with your partner might be a better bet. Hey, you just ate a lot and deserve to lounge around! Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Keep those Thanksgiving decorations chill this year, Sagittarius. Don’t overwhelm yourself! It’s hot what the holiday is about, after all. With the sun moving in your sign on Thursday, you could feel very good about how things are going and ready to take on new opportunities. And when compassionate Neptune turns direct in your home zone on Saturday, it could be a good idea to set some boundaries. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
There’s a major focus on a more spiritual sector of your chart, and you could also find yourself drawn to make changes on the inside. Lean into it if you feel like it—it could be a very powerful thing. Working through those difficult feelings and thoughts, and release them. It’ll help. And with the sun moving into your spiritual zone on Thursday, and a full moon on the same day, you might find it difficult to be with too many people for too long. Try to be patient, but also make sure to carve out some time for yourself on Thanksgiving. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
You’re feeling extra generous this week, Aquarius, but make sure your bank account can handle picking up the tab for all your friends. The thought is so sweet, but nobody wants you to go broke! You’ve got a ton of invites coming in for the holiday season, so get ready to mix and mingle! And with a full moon in your leisure zone on Thursday, Thanksgiving could be a particularly memorable occasion. Enjoy the buzz! Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Don’t bite off more than you can chew at the beginning of the week, Pisces. Everyone knows you’re talented and great, and they just want you to keep your commitments. The sun moves into your sector of career and ambition on Thursday, and you could be the star of the show at any event or celebration you attend. And with a full moon on the same day, you’re ready to charm the crowd. Don’t listen to the haters, and shine on! Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff
Photo: @isr4el via Twenty20