Your Guide to the Stars: Planetary Transits for January 22 to January 28

How’s Aquarius treating you? Last Friday, the sun shifted into air sign Aquarius, and all signs may be feeling their imaginations soar. Capricorn season was all about getting things done, instilling new habits, and curbing our pleasure (#dryJanuary, anyone?) Sure, some of these shifts were welcome. After the excesses of the holiday season, a little order can be a good thing. But Aquarius invites us to play a little bit. It’s a time for flights of fancy, last minute invites, and adding light to the darkness of winter. This week is a bit of a rebuilding week—after last week’s intense energy, it can feel good to just be for a little bit. Here, pay attention to these dates and slay the day, regardless of your zodiac sign.
Monday, January 22
Get Motivated AF
The Moon in Aries gives everyone a kick in the @ass, and you may feel more motivated than ever today. Because of a convivial aspect between the moon, the sun, and Venus, today seems less like a Monday than usual, and some spontaneous plans may crop up to allow you to continue the #weekend vibes through the day. And who cares if it’s a school night? Make some plans and enjoy!
Tuesday, January 23
Okay, TODAY Feels Like Monday. Deal With It
As the moon forms squares between Mercury and Pluto, nothing is as it seems. You’re not getting straight answers, and it feels like everyone has a different agenda that’s impossible to unveil. Breathe through the frustration. The more you expect hiccups, the more you’ll sail through them. Use the Aries energy of the moon on something you can control instead of hoping everyone lives up to your expectations.
Wednesday, January 24
Listen For Secrets
When Mercury conjuncts Pluto, it can be tough to get the whole story. People may seem divided into cliques, at work or in your social life, or you may hear “everything’s fine” from your partner or boss when you’re pretty sure things are anything but okay. Closed door meetings are typical. This may be a day when your paranoia reaches a peak. The best thing to do today is to avoid becoming part of the problem. People may want to up the ante on drama for drama’s sake. Things will settle down, but in the meantime, being fair, above board, and avoiding the gossip mill will serve you well.
Friday, January 25
Get Out Of Town!
As Mars is poised to enter Sagittarius tomorrow, you may feel yourself lightening up. Expect the unexpected, today is a day for last-minute invites, random adventures, and why not plans. Don’t stick to the same-old this weekend. Incorporating something new into your plan—even if it is checking out a new cafe or bar, or heading on a hike somewhere close by—can invigorate your sense of adventure. Attached? You may have been too caught up in a Netflix-and-chill routine these past few days. Today is a day to break it and go out on a proper date—candlelit dinner optional.
Saturday, January 26
Hit the Gym
Competitive Mars in Sagittarius cranks up your ambition, and you may feel more competitive than you have in awhile. Today is a great day for a 5k, road race, or friendly challenge at the gym. It’s also a great day to focus on having fun, especially if you’ve been busy, stressed, or snowed under with work these past few weeks. Put down your phone, don’t check your work email, and play the day away!
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