Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 7: Crank Up The Charm!

The Moon in Leo cranks up every sign’s charm. Today is a day to flirt, network, and enjoy the connection of other people. It’s not the day to hibernate. You’ll get positive energy if you give it out. A semi-square between Mercury and Jupiter could create confusion, so, as always, make sure you’re on the same page. Today is not a day to assume. Here, your daily horoscope for Thursday, December 7.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Are you acting on assumptions? Miscommunications can bring you down, so make sure you know what someone else has in mind. And while it may be tempting to bluff your way out of a situation, it’s far better to cop to not knowing something. Honesty brings you far.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Jupiter form a tense aspect that manifests in your communications between those you love. Tension is brewing, possibly about holiday plans. It’s time to lock things down and admit the truth: If you don’t want to visit your in-laws for the holidays, today is the day to make that clear.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Rumors are running rampant, and may be involving you. Stay ahead of the gossip. And even as you hear a false story, you may be perpetuating the misinformation by parroting something you heard about someone else. In short, it’s one big clusterf*ck. Bottom line: Be careful what you hear and go to the source if in doubt.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You may feel the urge to panic based on information you hear from other people, but hold off, Cancer. Everything will sort itself out, but now’s not the time to act. Listen to what other people say, but don’t go into reactive mode.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Emotions are driving your ship today, and you may lash out over things that are NBD. First step is to recognize that you may be ultra-sensitive. The more you can come up with a strategy to calm down and approach a situation rationally, the less a big deal the situation will be.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re ruminating on a past situation, and may be panicking about how people responded to something that happened ages ago. Relax. Things will sort themselves out as the weekend nears you. Right now, recognize your anxiety and sit with it rather than trying to shove it off to the side. Acknowledging and breathing through problems is your best mode of attack.
Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re thinking in extremes, which can cloud your decisions. Everything is not a disaster, but on the flip side, if things seem to be going great, don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Today is all about seeing things in balance—talking with friends can help you get a better perspective of all you’re dealing with.’
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re pulled in a million directions, which isn’t a bad thing—all the projects you’ve put out into the universe are coming to fruition now. But in order to maximize what’s going on, you have to be calm. Sounds counterproductive, but making sure to keep plenty of time in your schedule to destress and zone out can only make you more effective.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Mercury in your sign means you’re feeling extra driven and willing to push ahead on projects and pursuits, but, because Mercury is in retrograde, miscommunications are par for the course. In particular, you may find a friend has a lot of grivances to air with you. Don’t go on the defensive and listen—he or she may have a point.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your intimacy sector, and while that can include plenty of passion and steamy sex, it may also bring up seriously intense conversations. Tears may be involved, but they’re the type of tears that can only bring you closer.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
The moon in your partnership sector is great for romance. Single? Get out there. You may find flirttious opportunities where you least expect them. Attached? Time to indulge in some steamy PDA. This is one of those days where you get what you give, so be passionate, flirtatious, and unique and you’ll attract the same.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Today could be a magical day, Pisces! A Mercury-Jupiter influence elevates your senses, and you’re truly feeling at peace and connected with the world around you. That’s not to say minor issues won’t pop up. But your confidence drives you and makes you feel like you truly can do anything. Because you can!
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