Happy Chinese New Year! What the Year of the Pig Means for You

By Donna Stellhorn

On February 5, 2019

In Astrology

Happy Chinese New Year! What the Year of the Pig Means for You

Welcome, 2019 and with it, the Year of the Pig. What does the Year of the Pig mean? This is the twelfth and last year of the 12-year cycle and a year where you’ll want to stay home, indulge in great food and sit back to watch a favorite show. During Pig years, businesses profit and there’s a general feeling of abundance. There’s a desire to be extravagant and generous with friends and lovers. Weight gain is easy during a Pig year.

Discover your primitive, animal side!

It’s a year when you can achieve goals and bring yourself a sense of well-being. Scroll below to see how the Chinese Astrology 2019 Year of the Earth Pig will directly effect you!


This year is going to require some hustle (which is no problem for you as you’re the fastest of the 12 signs). You may be tempted to go back to a past job. Or an old lover may knock on your door with flowers and an offer to try again. This is the last chance to make this work. In 2020 you enter a new 12-cycle and it will be your year, Year of the Rat. At that point, you will have little interest in going back to what you had before.


You have some exceptional opportunities this year. Try to take quick action even though you are tempted to finish up every other project you’ve been working on for the past year. Financial gain can be made by simply returning the phone call or answering the email. Love happens when you say “yes” to the date or the bigger “yes” of moving the relationship to the next level.


This year will be a challenge for you energy-wise but in a fight between Pig and Tiger who do you think is going to win? When you’re told “no,” blocked, just fight back. You’ll find others give in rather quickly. This can lead to financial gains in your career. However, in love, be the kitten, sweet and gentle, until you need to use your claws.

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This is a harmonious year for you as you are sensitive and quite psychic. People seek you out and want to spend time with you. 2019 is a good time to negotiate a raise, find a new job or start your own business. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, there is lucky energy around you. And for existing partnerships, they can grow stronger if you stay home and snuggle on the sofa.


Expect adaptive energy for Dragon natives as no two animals could be more different than Dragon and Pig. Learning to compromise and find win-win scenarios will bring you helpful people, financial gain and job opportunities. You’ll want to tone down the drama in your relationships until the lights go out, but then creative play is encouraged.


Energy is hidden from Snake natives this year as all energy points to the opposing sign, Pig. That’s no problem for you though. You like working behind the scenes. There are many opportunities that others leave on the table, ready for you to scoop up. Persistence in love is necessary and remember: Out of sight, out of mind. Keep communication positive and frequent, and love will prevail.


The opportunities for you, Horse natives, will shift and change this year and you may have to pivot more than once. A job change is possible. A residence move is possible. There are great opportunities when you let go of what you’re fixated on and consider something new. Money can come in from a new source. This is a good year to find a new love or renew your vows.

Sheep (or Goat or Ram)

There is very compatible energy for you in 2019. You are able to make and keep many new friends. There are resources from others available to you; teachers, mentors, and investors. Finances improve as you plug some holes in your spending. A passionate love affair is possible—even if it’s with your spouse.


The energy of this year requires you to put in some effort. Pig energy is very different than your own, but you are intelligent and highly adaptable. You find the challenges of the year exciting and energizing. You may be hit with a sudden bolt of love for a person from a different world. A weekend getaway every couple of months helps those Monkey natives in a committed relationship.

Read this Now: 2019 is Gonna Be a Big Year. Here’s Everything You Need to Know!


An abundance of opportunities are available to you this year. You are the manager of the barnyard, and in Pig years, people want/need a manager. Investing can prove profitable. There’s a new job if you want it and could very well be a high profile position. Make some time for love, and it will flourish. Romance energy is high when you dress up for the date or later, behind closed doors.


A much better year for you than last year! You are seeing results from many of the changes you’ve made recently. There’s still a lot of change energy you can tap into for a new job or expanding your business. It’s okay to demand loyalty in love. If you’re not receiving what you need, consider moving on. There are lots of love opportunities for you in 2019.

Pig (or Boar)

Congratulations. It’s your year! This is a time to let go of what’s not working for you and embrace the new. This could lead to a new job, starting a business, or new sources of passive income. Go to school, attend seminars and conferences. Soak up the ideas. Love is easier for you to find this year through friends and relatives. Then spend time together, on the sofa, binge-watching your new favorite show.

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