Your Weekly Horoscope: It's a Big, Busy, and Altogether Beautiful Week!

November 26 – December 2, 2018
This is a very busy week in terms of astrological activity. With lively Mercury still rewinding and forging an angle with feisty Mars on Monday, you could be a little hasty when it comes to acting on idea.
However, the coming days reveal a merger of the sun with vibrant Mercury retrograde and jovial Jupiter, which could intensify optimism and confidence to a very high degree. Despite any setbacks, you really might feel as though whatever you turn your hand to is possible. It may be, but it would be wise to approach new projects in a practical, thoughtful way.
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As delightful Venus opposes electric Uranus on Friday, an unexpected encounter could have quite an effect on you. You might even want to meet with this person again.
On Saturday, chatty Mercury moves back into Scorpio, as does sultry Venus on Sunday, after her brief visit back to Libra. Both thoughts and feelings could intensify as a result.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
You’re filled with confidence and ready to take on anything this week, Aries! Mercury retrograde continues in your sector of travel and adventure but with its ties with the sun and Jupiter, it appears you have total faith in your ability to take bold steps and make things happen. Later in the week, things get a little more intense but with a good attitude, you can still continue down a bright path. It’s also a good time to be open and honest in your communication. Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Ooh, Taurus! Some good gifts could be headed your way this week! Although it might not be a ton of money, it’s a good sign that you need to open yourself up to the universe and its gifts. Release blocked emotions and things will get even better. Near the end of the week, Mercury and diplomatic Venus both move back into Scorpio and there will be a focus on your relationships — perhaps a healing conversation will transform a relationship? Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Get ready for some larger than life personalities are attracted to you and socializing with them will be good for you — soak in the energy and excitement and perhaps some new opportunities will come your way. With Mercury and Venus moving back into Scorpio and your lifestyle sector later in the week, it’s a good time for a cleanse. Physical, emotional, whatever; let it go. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
A big opportunity could be headed your way this week, Cancer! You’re ready to embrace it and because of that, it will most likely be a success. However, with Mercury continuing its retrograde phase in this zone, things might not go exactly as you want. It’s OK, go with the flow. When Venus and Mercury move back into Scorpio and your sector of leisure and romance later in the week, people from your past might come back into the picture. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
You’re ready to think and act big this week, and now is the time. Perhaps it’s travel or looking at something from a different perspective. Whatever it is, it will include new things that will fascinate, excite, and leave you yearning to learn more. But with Venus and Mercury in your home zone at the end of the week, you’ll focus up on family matters. Perhaps it’s time to put yourself first? Rest and relaxation will get you ready to tackle new adventures! Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
There are good things happening in your family life right now — a lot of joy and celebration. Keep an eye out for good news that would help benefit you and yours, and you might be feeling happier in your life as a result. And with talkative Mercury, your ruler, and sweet Venus both moving into Scorpio this weekend, it’s a good time to plan and decide the next steps, while keeping in mind your finances. And as Mars continues to move through your relationship zone, it could mean you must compromise. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
It’s a gonna be a very positive week, Libra! You’ve got an optimistic blend of energies and it’s time to go out there and shine in all ways. With Mercury retrograde, you might encounter some set backs, but keep going and aim high. You’ve got this. And when lovely Venus, your personal planet, and chatty Mercury move back into Scorpio this weekend, it’s a good time to declutter and make way for bigger and better in your life. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
A lucky break and some small windfall could be headed your week. It will most likely fill you with joy. If you’ve got business, the good news could come in the form of some sort of profit. It’s your karma, and you should enjoy it. And with Mercury retrograde in your money zone, it’s a good time to keep all your receipts in order and make sure your finances are secure. Finally, Mercury and Venus move back into your sign over the weekend you might have intense feelings. Take them out, if need be. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
You’re gonna have an unshakable confidence coming into the week, Sagittarius! Embrace it and do what your heart desires, because even if it doesn’t go as planned, it will be an adventure. And remember, if things don’t go exactly your way, you can change course, if need be. An issue you thought was resolved might come back into the picture, but with Mercury retrograde, you might be able to finally figure it out. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
With upbeat energies in your spiritual sector, it’s a good time to mediate on what you want for your life. And with the sun in this sector along with philosophical Jupiter and restless Mercury, you should take the time to relax and figure out whatever you need to figure out. It’s also a good time for you to be involved in charity. And with Mercury and Venus moving back into your social sector this weekend, you’re in for a lovely time with friends. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Your social life could bring you much happiness and positive energy this week. Have fun with it! You might even be pushed out of your comfort zone and ready to try new things. Embrace it, and accept those invitations. Good things could come your way because of it. And with Mercury and Venus moving back into the topmost sector of your chart, you have a chance to showcase your best self. Also, an opportunity you thought had slipped away might head back into your life. Now you can act on it! Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Others might take serious notice of you this week, Pisces! You’ll be feeling great about that and about everything else in your life — and hey, make you’ll even become an overnight internet sensation, or have some other sort of great opportunity. Although, with Mercury continuing retrograde this week, things might not go as smoothly as you might like them to. It’s OK, roll with it. Also, if you can avoid signing anything until Mercury goes direct in early December, that would be for the best. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff
Photo: @Elisall via Twenty20