Peace Out Mercury Retrograde! Now What?

Finally! The planet that rules communication, travel and our minds is moving direct! Mercury is the planet that can create the most daily frustration so while he was retrograde you may have noticed yourself losing important items, having misunderstandings with people, or even having to reschedule all of your plans because nothing seemed to go right!
Mastering Mercury Retrograde — The Good, The Bad, and the Inbetween!
On August 19 Mercury will finally flip his rotation and will work to regain his power again after laying dormant since July 26th. But be careful as you’re not completely in the clear! The days surrounding the 19th you will still want to be cautious, double checking all of your plans and remain flexible as things, from communication to cars, still have a tendency to breakdown. This is because he tends to bring more chaos during the time when his rotation is changing. Its similar to when someone is waking up from a deep sleep. For the first few hours they are groggy and gaining their bearings. The same is true for planets, but especially Mercury as he rules our ability to think and see clearly!
Read this now: How To Stop Mercury Retrograde From Ruining Your Life
Contracts, Leases and Commitments
Starting on the 24th of August you’ll be able to effectively begin to cement plans and sign contracts. For example, if you are ready to move to a larger apartment you’ll not only be able to have more ease with finding suitable new living spaces but also Mercury moving direct will provide assistance when you are officially signing the lease. The same is true with cementing business deals, booking travel plans, arranging meet ups with friends or important people. These things will begin to flow smoothly once again!
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Conflicts & Communication
While Mercury was retrograde he was working to draw your focus to plans that needed additional attention. This gave you a chance to reevaluate and make tweaks and adjustments as needed, especially when it comes to resolving conflict or miscommunication between friends and valuable relationships in your life. Now that he is direct, you have all that you need to know to build stronger bonds and plans for the future without wondering if you can trust or count on someone or the opportunities brought your way.
Plans, Progress and Impulses
Some of the plans that may have fallen during Mercury Retrograde simply didn’t make the cut because the cosmos have something better in mind for you. Now that he is moving direct again what is actually for you will fall into place seemingly effortlessly!
Now that Mercury is direct you will see more progress with gaining new clients and contacts that will be beneficial to you and your growth. You are also more prone to make connections with interesting people and friends while inviting new energy into your life! Mercury Retrograde has a tendency to draw your attention to people of the past. You came, you saw, you conquered and now it’s time to move into fresh new territory as life and adventure await!
Read this now: How to Mercury Retrograde-Proof Your Life
Mercury rules the mind and while retrograde in Aries it seemed as though people were impulsively reacting and not thinking things through. You may have also felt yourself rushing but making minimal progress, as if you were running through mud! Mercury direct will allow you to finally pick up and see your pace quickening and others will be more likely to jump on board with you and stick with you versus you needing to make adjustments more frequently and handling multiple cancellations!
Travel and Beyond
Hopefully during Mercury Retrograde you were also able to relax on a much needed vacation and spend some time at home. This is because Mercury asks you to slow down, pause, and take a breather. If not and you found yourself traveling, you most likely had to deal with travel issues (hopefully nothing too serious!) that would have caused headaches. Now that Mercury is direct travel plans seem to smooth themselves out and you may even get lucky with finding awesome deals at low prices!
Make renovations, plan a trip or business meetings, start talking about your plans! It’s safe now…until the next Mercury retrograde period that is!—By Jessica Wiggan
Jessica Wiggan is the creator of BehatiLife, an online apothecary selling custom, hand crafted magical blends. Jessica is available for tarot and astrology readings, and also runs an online Tarot school. Find her on Instagram.