March/April 2022 New Moon in Aries Horoscopes

By Nina Kahn

On March 31, 2022

In Astrology, New moon

March/April 2022 New Moon in Aries Horoscopes

Spring has sprung, and the season’s first full lunar cycle is kicking off with a bang. The new moon in Aries rises on Thursday, March 31 at 11:24 p.m. PT, and it’s cranking up the heat on our personal goals. With Aries’ fiery and motivating energy on our side, this new moon offers all zodiac signs a potent new beginning and a chance to act on our ideas.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. So, with the new moon taking place here, this lunation summons our inner warrior, inspiring bravery, leadership, and a competitive spirit. It’s helping us to turn our pain into power and our struggles into a source of strength.

The new moon is joining forces with chatty Mercury (planet of communication) and wounded-healer asteroid, Chiron, and this conjunction. Mercury’s influence inspires us to speak our truth and make passion-fueled plans for the future, while Chiron’s presence encourages us to take an active role in our own healing. Don’t wait around for someone else to bring closure or put a bandage on your heartaches. With four planets piled up in go-getter Aries’ territory, we’re stepping up as leaders and boldly taking charge. When it comes to moving forward, you need anyone’s permission but your own. 

woman, flower, crown, halloween

Here’s your horoscope for the new moon in Aries!


You should be bubbling over with confidence and motivation right now, Aries, because this new moon in your house of self is fueling your inner fire. With Aries season already well underway and the solar spotlight shining directly on you, this lunar moment is a chance to zero in on your personal goals and prioritize your own success. Launch your boldest desires into reality.


Rushing into things isn’t your style, Taurus. You prefer a more slow-and-steady approach to goal-crushing. So instead of hastily pushing your new moon intentions into the spotlight, harness the lunar energy in a more spiritual way by quietly planning your next steps from the wings. Check in with yourself to ensure your current trajectory feels fulfilling and aligned before making your big move.


Don’t sleep on the kismet of the connections that are coming into your life now, Gemini. The people who’ve recently begun orbiting through your social life have the potential to rock your world and help you accomplish your dreams. Put your gift of gab to good use and speak your desires into existence. You may find that the crew around you has been waiting for a chance to cheer you on.


No more playing small, Cancer. The new moon in your house of career wants you to take up more space and get a little more assertive about guiding the direction of your professional trajectory. Speak up about what you want at work, and don’t shy away from sharing your opinions. Making your voice heard is important, and now’s the time to make your colleagues listen.


Time to loosen up, Leo. This fiery new moon is activating your adventurous side and sparking a deep craving for knowledge and new experiences. Shake off your need for mental control and let your mind melt into a malleable ball of magic. When we’re consciously willing to expand our comfort zone and think outside the box, the possibilities in our lives become endless.


What have you been ignoring or trying to hide from, Virgo? Instead of pushing aside your feelings of pain, fear, and shame, use the bold energy of this new moon to bravely face your demons head-on. This is a chance at a fresh start when it comes to speaking your truth and opening up your heart to the people closest to you, so let your guard down and find strength in your vulnerability.


Partnerships are your jam, Libra. You’re the sign that rules them, after all. And right now, you can harness an even greater sense of power through your closest one-on-one connections. Check any pushover tendencies at the door and commit to openly voicing your desires, expectations, and feelings to your partners. By stepping into a more assertive role, you can heal old patterns and command more respect in relationships.


Use this motivating new moon to slay your to-do list and get organized, Scorpio. You’ll likely be feeling more productive and physically energized under this invigorating lunation, so take advantage of the boost and spruce up your daily routine. Moving forward with a focus on wellness and work-life balance will ensure you have the stamina to conquer all your goals.


Get yourself dolled up, Sagittarius, because this new moon brings the potential for pleasure, playfulness, and sexual healing. Use flirting as foreplay and have some open-hearted conversations with a lover. Embracing the joy in these kinds of romantic connections can help to soothe past heartaches and help you reignite the flames of passion, which will in turn inspire growth in other areas, too.


The new moon’s presence in your domestic fourth house makes it a fabulous time to put some elbow grease into turning your living situation into your sanctuary, Capricorn. The influx of lunar energy will motivate you to tidy up, dive into some backburner home improvement projects, and make more space for inner peace. You need a safe haven to recharge in after a long day’s work.


You might find that you’re bubbling over with inspiration and social connections right now, Aquarius, as this fiery new moon is igniting the communication sector of your chart. Making plans with like-minded friends will help you generate new ideas, so say yes to some fun plans and connect with the world around you.


The new moon is in your sensual second house, Pisces, and it’s asking you to prioritize your pleasure. While you have a tendency to get swept up in your feelings, now’s a great time to channel your potent emotions through your physical body. Savor a scrumptious meal, treat yourself to some fragrant fresh flowers, or ask your partner to give you a good massage.

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