5 Life-Changing Feng Shui Tips for Success

When you first look at Feng Shui, it may seem complicated, fastidious and filled with rules. But Feng Shui is really just about setting up your environment to help maximize your success. You don’t have to have a perfect house to bring in positive energy and opportunities. From your refrigerator to your wallet, with just a few simple steps, you can set up your space to support your goals and achieve success.
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How To Feng Shui Your Eating Habits
Feng Shui your refrigerator. You’ve probably heard this before: Get the junk food out of the house. Sounds easy but if you live with others, this may not be practical or even possible. To set yourself up for success though, start by rearranging your refrigerator.
There are bins or drawers in your fridge for keeping veggies fresher longer. Stop using them for vegetables and instead, use these frosted, inconvenient drawers to store cookies, cakes, sodas, and other less-than-healthy items. Put your fruits and veggies right at eye level in easy-to-see containers. Yes, the vegetables will be out of the life-extending sarcophagus drawer, but that just gives you more motivation to eat them. Plus people tend to eat what’s in front of them. So put those healthy foods front and center.
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How To Feng Shui Your Shopping Habits
The reason the retail world encourages credit cards is because we spend more when we use credit. In fact, studies show we spend about 15-percent more. To cut your spending, start by clearing out your wallet of all the credit cards and only use cash. Of course, nowadays some places won’t accept cash so here’s a trick to help mitigate your credit card spending.
- Write on a sticky note, “DO NOT USE THIS CARD.”
- Stick the note to the credit card and put it back in your wallet.
- When there’s a desire to spend money, you’ll have to pull the note off to use the card.
- Ask yourself (in your head or aloud) before swiping: Is this purchase in line with my financial goals?
Pulling the note off the credit card and asking yourself that important question will give you a moment to evaluate how important that purchase is, and if it is a step towards financial success or a step away from it.
How To Feng Shui Your Love Life
Start with your bedroom of course! If your bedroom still has clothes piled high on your treadmill, it’s time for an upgrade (and time to move that exercise equipment to another room if you have the space!). And even if you don’t plan on bringing a special someone back to your place, your bedroom still represents your intimate life. The first step is to tidy up. If you don’t have room in your closet for all your clothes, then you probably have more clothes than you need. See what you can donate or discard.
If replacing old, mismatched furniture isn’t in the budget consider a new comforter or pillows to liven up the space. Remove out-dated artwork or posters as it keeps you focused on the past and attracts no new energy for your life. Find some romantic art to display on your walls. Lastly, place a heart or another romantic symbol on the nightstand you don’t sleep next to, to open up and welcome in love energy.
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How To Feng Shui Your Workout Routine
If you want to increase the amount of exercise you’re committing to daily, Feng Shui your floor. If you have a wood or hard surface floor with a rug on top, consider placing an exercise mat under the carpet. That way, when you feel the urge, you can plop down on the floor for a quick pilates session or bang out a few yoga poses. Additionally, try using a yoga mat as the “rug” beside your bed. Having it all laid out, ready for you will inspire you to get in a few push-ups or downward dogs when you hop out of bed in the morning.
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How To Feng Shui Your Career
Do you dream of having your own business? Do you long to create content and make money doing so? Then hide the tv remote. If you want to write a novel, edit videos for your YouTube channel or put some items up in your Etsy store, the television is your enemy. Usually, it’s the first thing you see when you walk in the door (plus a super comfy sofa right?).
“Just 30 minutes”, you say to yourself as you sit down in front of the TV with your dinner. Cut to hours later, and you’re still there and now, too tired to do anything but brush your teeth and go to bed. The solution is to make it just a little bit harder to sit down in front of the TV. So place that remote out of reach. If that doesn’t work then take the batteries out. By spending an hour or two in the evening on your passion, rather than watching a television show, you’ll be on your way to achieving your career goals.
Photo: Ella Jardim on Unsplash