This Is What Happened When I Went To Fairy School

By Virginia Mason

On July 7, 2018

In Spirit

This Is What Happened When I Went To Fairy School

Virginia Mason Richardson is a Brooklyn-based healer, psychic, and coach who helps clients all over the world tune into their own magic.

When I was a little girl, I wandered through the trees behind my family’s house. I collected sticks and stones and placed them on the ground by the leaves and moss, and I remember speaking to someone out there. In the woods. It wasn’t a person. It wasn’t someone I could even necessarily see with my eyes, but we communicated.

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Then, I got older, and I stopped collecting sticks and stones, and I stopped talking to supposedly imaginary beings in the woods. But I did start collecting crystals and arranging them neatly on my windowsill. Sometimes, I placed sticks and flowers nearby, and again and again, when I closed my eyes, I saw a lush world. I felt like I was entering a secret garden, and in that garden, there were winged creatures that were sometimes big and sometimes very small. Whenever I saw this, I felt movement on my feet and around my head. It felt like something was crawling on me, but when I opened my eyes, nothing was there. I started seeing flitting lights around my apartment. Some shadowy and some bright and sometimes, for a moment, they took the shape of something recognizable. That’s when I started associating all of this with fairies.

Yes, as a grown-ass, thirty-year-old woman, I started believing in fairies.


As soon as I allowed the possibility that fairies could be real, I felt like I restored a long-lost connection to a world I used to be privy to and while I felt completely loved by fairies, I also felt alone in my belief and connection.

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So I turned to Google and to oracle decks and to fairy school to understand my experiences. Now, fairy school wasn’t so much a “school” as it was a small gathering of individuals one Sunday afternoon at a healing center a few blocks from my apartment in Brooklyn. I’d been attending events and working at the center for years, and while there’d always been bottled glitter labeled “fairy dust” at the cash register, fairies were seldom mentioned. But here it was, a whole afternoon for adults to gather and discuss fairies. I was so in.

At the center I saw that an altar had been built at the center of the room, complete with flowers, crystals, fairy books, cookies (because everyone knows fairies love sweets), and a little sign that read “trust.” To my dismay, only three people showed up—the teacher, one other person and myself. I was expecting a large gathering, a community of curious seekers and believers, and while I was initially disappointed by the small turnout, I soon realized that like most things, the exact right number of people had arrived.

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We’d were starving to share our fairy stories, and we were grateful to have a small group and plenty of time to share. And share we did. I talked about the rich world I saw and the flitting lights in my apartment. They shared strikingly similar encounters, and when we finished, the teacher asked us to lie down and get comfortable. She led us through a guided meditation into the fairy realm. We were introduced to a fairy guide who gave us a gift. But we weren’t told who the guide was or what the gift was. These were revealed to each of us through our private journey.

On my journey, I met a small purple fairy named Iris. She led me along a golden path, past a waterfall, and toward a fairy queen. The fairy queen wore a golden gown. Pearls draped along her forehead, and hanging over her third eye; there was a jewel that kept changing colors from emerald to purple to ruby. The queen invited me into her cottage. Inside, she removed a piece of brick from the fireplace and pulled out a gold skeleton key. She handed it to me and told me that the key was to my home—a cottage in the fairy realm. She told me about the daughter I will someday have, and she told me to place a piece of amethyst at the front of my home for protection. She also told me not to worry so much about money, that I have everything available to me. And then she changed shape! She became a white-winged fairy, and then a giant castle, and she told me the fairy queen shape she had taken was just to show me a part of myself—that I am a fairy queen! She said to embrace this fairy side of myself and to help others embrace their connection with fairies, to spread the fairy love, because fairies are here to help, that we will need their help with what comes next.

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During the guided fairy meditation (while my mind was being blown with fairy wisdom) my head felt so heavy that it hurt lying on the ground. The teacher guided us out of the fairy realm and back into the room, and we sat up slowly. The other person shared his experience first. He said that his fairy guide gave him a gold skeleton key to help unlock his heart chakra. My eyes lit up. Of all possible objects in this world, what are the odds that we both just imagined receiving a gold skeleton key as a gift?! I left fairy school thinking that fairies are likely very real and that maybe they hold the keys to unlock so many things in our lives and in this world.

When I returned home from fairy school, I noticed the outline of one of the bricks above my fireplace. I’d never consciously observed this brick in my home before. Its grout seemed more profound than the others, and it looked exactly like what I’d seen in the guided fairy meditation. I ran my fingers along it, but the brick was sealed in place. Every inch of me wanted to bust through that grout and pull out the brick, but I remembered my renter’s policy, and I let it be. Plus, I trusted that I already knew what was behind it and that I’d already been given everything I needed.

I placed a piece of amethyst by the front door to my home, and I shared a story about fairies and fairy school on Instagram. I received an outpouring of fairy love and support and was overwhelmed by the number of people who commented and messaged me to share their fairy encounters. Far more than just three adults sitting on the floor in Brooklyn.

What I learned most in fairy school, is that I am not alone in my love of fairies, and if you have a similar love for fairies, then I want you to know, that neither are you.—By Virginia Mason Richardson

Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company, Fleeting Connections. Follow her @fleetingconnections on IG! 

Photo by Eunice Stahl on Unsplash

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