Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 17

By Horoscope.com

On March 17, 2018

In Astrology, Date, Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 17

In the AM, a magical new moon in Pisces helps turn over a new leaf, as we get in touch with our inner selves and learn to trust our intuition. But the moon also forms an awkward angle to fiery Mars, and we may end up hurting those we love in words or action. It’s a stormy day. New moons can be. Mars shifts to Capricorn, where deliberation, persistence, and step by step willingness to follow instructions are enouraged. Be patient. Feel the shifts. Know that even with volatile, weird energy, life goes on. Here, what to expect on Saturday, March 17, 2018. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
Mars moves into Capricorn, and it’s time to home in and actually get things done. You’ve had a lot of big ideas brewing but today—who cares if it’s a Saturday—is the day to actually make them reality. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Phew. As Mars shifts signs, you may breathe a sigh of relief. You may also feel confused, or stuck in between, unsure of what’s going on or where you should focus your energies. Don’t worry! Can you spend one day without looking to the future and just embracing the present? Try it. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You got this. Repeat it after yourself. You got this. So what’s holding you back? You’ve been tasked with a lot, Gemini, and may feel a crisis of confidene, but the point is, everything is working as it should. You’re not a fraud. People realize just how talented you are, and it’s time for you to own your talents, too. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
As Mars shifts to your relationship zone, things may finally be moving forward after they appeared to have stalled in the past. This time, though, realize that a relationship isn’t an either/or. Your incredible intensity can cause you to focus exclusively on one part of your life to the detriment of others; for this lunar cycle, focus on balance. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Life is busy … and it gets busier. Lions thrive on active, full lives, but are you putting too much on your plate? Only you can answer that question, but you may be trying to prove something to yourself — or may be trying to avoid something in your life. You don’t “need” to be so busy, and it’s okay to turn some things down. Seriously! 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re especially in tune with your emotions, so take the next step and share your thoughts. You’ve kept one thing close to your chest, and a heart to heart may be much overdue. However, know that the Mars energy swirling today may cause some tears and a much heavier conversation than you anticipated, but it’s important to get all that out in the open. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling the urge to shake things up. Should you? Yes! The new moon invites you to look at the bigger picture, take everything in, and consider moving on and moving forward in a way that serves you, as right now, you may be spending a lot of time and energy on old issues, thoughts, or problems. You may not need to do anything besides let them go. Ahhh. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling creatively engaged by the Pisces new moon, and may have some interesting conversation with different people in your life today. Today is a day for out of the box thinking, and you may find some great connections that can help you sort out a mental puzzle you’ve been trying to untangle. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
It’s a good day to stick close to home, and while a lot of the signs seem to be caught in an emotional cyclone, your sign may be above the fray. As such, you may be a sounding board or shoulder to cry on. Remember: The best way you can help is continue being interested, yet detached.  

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Mars is in your sign, and life is good, Caps! You’re motivated, firing on all cylinders, and have your pencils sharpened and to-do lists ready. Not so fast! Remember, you catch more flies with honey, and some people might be put out or downright scared by your go-go-go ways. Go slow, or go it alone.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
You’ve been holding off, but today is a good day to go forward in the direction of a goal, bonus points if it’s sort of scary. Feel your heart hammer, and know you’re going in the right direction. Also, be realistic: The first step may take as little as ten minutes. How can you afford not to do something? 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
This new moon is an amazing, auspicious day for you. This is your day, Pisces, and it’s the start of a magical month, or even year, if you play your cards right. Today, pay attention to signs. See how coincidences unfold. Look to the bright side. Say yes. And see what magic may transpire! 

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