Capricorn Singles Horoscope

Capricorn, despite your calm, cool, and collected exterior, you have a fiery passionate side that few people see. Because you’ll be looking to improve communication this year, letting your emotions show more will be a goal. We’re not saying to bust out telling someone you love them within five minutes of meeting(!), but try not to hold back quite so much. In most romantic situations this year, you’ll feel much better once you give your heart permission to express itself.

Transformational Pluto is in your ambitious sign at very beginning of the year, which gives you the chance to set some life-changing love goals right away. What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2024, and how will they affect your love life? Finally making love a priority shows that you’re serious about overcoming past romantic struggles and that you’re looking toward the future. This transit reminds you to stay patient and grounded as you work toward romantic happiness.

Intense, sexual Mars spends most of November and all of December in outgoing, dramatic Leo, bringing fun and games to your love life. Sex can be extremely hot during this daring transit, because it gives you a chance to take control of your physicality and connect with a lover on an emotionally expressive level as well. And while your ego is closely linked with your sexual performance now, being able to laugh at yourself when things go wrong is an endearing quality that will help alleviate a lot of awkward moments.