Scorpio Money & Career Horoscope

Controlling Saturn will be uncomfortably paired with rebellious Aquarius all year, when you’ll be fighting to figure out how to add the necessary structure you need for success in less conventional ways. You might now consider jobs you wouldn’t normally accept or experiment more with the stock market. Your plans and ideas are more impractical and out-there, but they just might work. Taking risks isn’t usually your thing, but big risks can have big rewards during this time frame.

When you focus on something you want, few things stand in your way of getting it. Your determined co-ruler Mars partners with driven, ambitious Capricorn near the end of January, all but ensuring your success. Putting all of your energy into your career will definitely pay off now, and while working long hours might keep you from doing other things you enjoy, your hard work and dedication will eventually lead to big success. Look for a Mars-Saturn sextile near the end of June to really raise the stakes and the potential payoffs.

Jupiter can bring some financial luck your way in 2022, and as it travels along with intuitive Pisces for much of the year, you should be able to rely heavily on your gut instincts to guide you in the right direction regarding career and finances. A brief partnership with fiery Aries occurs from mid-May to the end of October, and Jupiter will be headed retrograde for the last three months of that time. Everything might seem like it’s coming to a screeching halt now, and you’re encouraged to ask yourself questions about your current state of happiness. If you’re truly satisfied with where you are in life, great! If you want more money, a better career, or something else, do some serious soul-searching.

Personalized Career Horoscope

Personalized Career Horoscope

This career report takes a deep dive into your talents, ambitions, and motivations based on your Birth Chart!