Cancer Singles Horoscope

Asteroid Psyche relates to the soul and mind in your love equation and has a subtle yet significant background effect on your love life all year round. As Psyche spends January to the end of August in practical earth sign Virgo, you’re looking for someone who isn’t afraid to pitch in and help with whatever you’ve got going on in your life. If you’re a single parent, you might be looking for a partner who is willing to jump in 100 percent and help out with the kids. If you’re into home repair, your ideal match might be a fellow DIYer. You’re willing to get your hands dirty and return the favor, of course, but this person will have to prove their worth before you consider them long-term romantic material and reciprocate.

Romantic Venus, ruler of love and romance, is in fiery Aries for most of the month of May, urging you to come out of your shell and make something happen. This aggressive energy encourages you to be the instigator and take control of your own love life. You might not be comfortable in this dominant role, Cancer, but that’s kind of the point. If what you’ve been doing lately has been working, don’t change it. But for Crabs looking to spice things up a bit, this forward transit can give you the boost of confidence you need to make the first move.

There’s a mysterious lunation near the end of October—a new moon in probing Scorpio—that has you extremely curious about someone who likes to keep secrets. Not being able to find anything out about them on social media is beyond intriguing. Use all of the resources at your disposal to satisfy your curiosity. What you uncover might or might not be what you were expecting, but at least you’ll know.