Scorpio Singles Horoscope

2016 may be one of those years when you're not sure what you want but you'll know it when you see it. Fantasy and wishful thinking may take up as much time as actual dating, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Your heart is figuring things out.

Romance could start off with a bang in January but one of you may come on too strong, or you may be on two radically different pages. If so, relax. You'll laugh about it later.

If you're feeling listless or lonely in February or March, there will be some love prospects but they may remind you of other loves that have come and gone. You can still have a good time together, so don't get moody. There's fresh dating excitement in April.

Reach out and touch someone's heart in August. Be gentle and see if it's mutual.

December is the time to give someone the chance to be serious about you, if that's what you want. It's your call.