You sure are talented, Pisces! You're the most creative sign!

Pisces natives have wonderful imaginations. You are impressionable, creative, and sensitive dreamers.

Intellectually curious, you like to explore the unusual, the mysterious, and the hidden. You're champions of make-believe, and many of you gravitate toward careers in the arts.

Some of the world's greatest poets, musicians, writers, artists, and dancers were born under this sign - Pierre-August Renoir, Frederic Chopin, Enrico Caruso, Kurt Cobain, Glenn Miller, Rudolph Nureyev, W.H. Auden, John Updike, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Victor Hugo, Cyd Charisse - to name but a few in a great sea of talent!

What will you create, amazing Piscean?

More Inspiration

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