Scorpio compatibility facts you need to know now!

Most of us seem to be a bit obsessed with sign compatibility, to the point that when we meet someone new, we immediately ask their date of birth, or we Facebook stalk them to find out more before we get too involved.

But, what you don't know is that when you check your sign's compatibility, you might not be getting the full story.

In his study The Astrology File, Gunter Sachs demonstrates scientific proof that when it comes to the law of lasting attraction and the possibility of divorce, it actually does matters whether you are a male, or a female. Sounds sexist, right? Unfortunately, this is a real fact.

For example, Scorpio has a harmonious compatibility with fellow Water Sign Pisces, but if you are a Scorpio female coupled up with a male Pisces, your attraction has the possibility to last longer that if it were to be the other way around. And the story goes on and on, dear Scorpio!

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