How to make love work with your least compatible sign...

So, you fell for a Fish even though everyone knows a Libra and a Pisces are doomed. OK, calm down. Truth is, no sign is totally wrong for you if you know how to nurture the relationship. Here are some tips for making it work with a Pisces...

- Be more decisive. You both can be wishy-washy, so try to avoid that. Go with what YOU want, without obsessing over what they want. It's likely they don't know and will like your pick.
- When you have a problem, talk about it right away before it gets worse, and in a very sensitive, calm manner.
- When your Pisces gets lost in la-la land, let them stay there if they are content and it’s not hurting anything. Let them be blissfully ignorant when it isn’t a big deal.

OK, now I want to hear YOUR tips because, guess what? I am into a Pisces right now and could use the help!

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