Powerful new ways to love yourself and others, Libra...

Libras love - what else? - LOVE! And most people assume that just means romantic love. Not so. Here are a bunch of other ways to share your love with the world while you get those feel-good endorphins from this wonderful emotion...

1. Love your body. Treat it well with healthy, fresh food. Exercise. Rest.
2. Love animals. Cuddle with your furry friend or admire birds and fish. Pet someone else’s or volunteer at an animal shelter.
3. Love your mind. Tell yourself kind things. Don’t put yourself down. Self-love leads to giving and receiving better love all around.
4. Love your friends. Call them on a regular basis, and make friend dates with those who live near you. Send them fun care packages or letters in the mail.
5. Love your environment. Be eco-friendly. Recycle. Don’t litter. Reduce waste. Go out in nature and appreciate plants and flowers. Garden.
6. Love your work. Remind yourself how lucky you are to have a job that allows you to live comfortably, however simply. Or, if you don’t have a job, have hope that this could change tomorrow. Do the best you can do.
7. Love your community. Be kind to strangers. Say hello to neighbors. Volunteer at local events.
8. Love your passions. Take a new class. Travel. Teach someone about something you know well. Immerse yourself in a hobby.

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