Want to get healthier? Ask a Virgo – the healthiest sign!

Restrictive, fad, depriving diets? No thanks! A Virgo doesn’t need that nonsense. Quick cleanses and elimination diets don’t usually work anyway. Virgos are the healthiest eaters, because we understand simple guidelines that anyone can benefit from. Here they are...

1. Eat mostly/all whole foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean proteins (eggs, legumes, nuts, tofu, humanly raised meat and fish).
2. Season food with herbs, pepper, spices, and light on the sea salt. Don’t glob on sauces and cheese and other fatty/sugary condiments.
3. If you can’t pronounce it or know what an ingredient is, don’t eat it.
4. Don’t drink your calories. Have mostly water, tea, coffee – sans sweeteners. And when you do drink, high quality only. You will drink less if you savor each sip.

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