Sag, control your fire by eating the right foods...

Leo, Aries and Sagittarius have a health advantage over other signs: Fire! The element that rules us can help us fight infections and diseases. But because our flame is always changing, we can suffer from either low fire or excess of it as well.

You can fix both by adding the right ingredients at the right time:

• When you're feeling tense, angry or impatient, you're suffering from an excess of fire. Eat root vegetables and grains and avoid red meat and spicy food. Drinking chamomile, Valerian root and mint tea can help tone it down.

• When you're feeling fatigued, sad and just kind of off, your fire is burning too low. Avoid eating dairy and anything cold. Kale, chard, garlic, ginger, mustard, cayenne and lemon can help you digest better and boost your energy level.

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