Little ways Capricorns can treat themselves every day...

Life can be hard, but us Cappies sure can make it harder than it needs to be! You need to treat yourself more often. You know you deserve it!

Here are some little ways you can treat yourself every day that aren't expensive, time consuming, or too self-indulgent (after all, you're no Taurus)...

Eat a treat. Even if you're on a diet, you can allow yourself one piece of nice chocolate or buy an organic apple instead of the budget buy.

Take regular 5-minute breaks. Step outside and just breathe in fresh air, or get up and stretch. Shut your eyes and envision your "happy place."

Watch a funny video. It can be one minute on YouTube or a full feature movie after work.

Text or call someone you love. Just touching base and sharing a smile can make both your days better.

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