Legendary incompatible Scorpio celebrity couples...

Sign love compatibility is amazingly spot-on in most cases, but hey, when you love you love, right?

These strong headed Scorpios have been determined in the face of star incompatibility, some succeeded, some...

Scorpio Robert F. Kennedy and Aries Ethel Kennedy. A lot has been said about Robert's infidelities to his wife, but parenting nine children is proof of a working pair for sure.

How far would a Scorpio go to reach princess status? Scorpio Grace Kelly married incompatible Gemini Prince Rainer of Monaco. Supposedly unfaithful to each other, they stayed married until her death.

Scorpio and Taurus could be good, but things could easily go sour with this stubborn pair. Marie and Pierre Curie's love transcended barriers, they made history together.

Scorpio Hillary Clinton and explosively incompatible Leo Bill Clinton proved that together, they could do anything. Ego didn't stand a chance to power and shrewdness in this pair.

Scorpio Demi Moore's relationship with way-younger-than-her Aquarius Ashton Kutcher was not meant to last as long as it actually did. The story speaks for itself here.

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