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The Hermit Card in a Love or Career Reading

In a reading focused on love, the Hermit can symbolize the self-reflection you need to do after the end of a relationship. But don't worry, you'll come out the other side. Having the Hermit show up in your reading can be a sign that you'll soon be ready for a new adventure once your period of solitude is over. If you're currently in a relationship, the Hermit is a sign that you and your partner may need to spend more time together—just the two of you.

In a reading focused on career, the Hermit may symbolize that you're spending too much energy in the workplace and therefore cutting yourself off from others or even yourself. Take a break. Recharge. Your work won't suffer if you slow down a little.

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2024 Tarot Reading

What should your focus be in 2024? Your 2024 Tarot Reading will reveal yearly predictions for you!