Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





8/10 Another sign

Can two Sagittarians come together in a love match? Definitely! Their mutual independence is what makes this team work so well together. They have their fiery moments for sure, but in general, they’re laid back and have an easygoing, adventurous approach to life. 

These two partners are happy doing their own thing, so they rarely get jealous or feel threatened by the other person’s friendships outside the relationship. When they do spend time together, they love to go on various adventures. It’s easy to keep the fire alive since they both enjoy traveling the globe, experiencing new sights and sounds, meeting new people and expanding their world view.

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
Find out whether you and your partner are a perfect match!

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so when two of these signs come together, the flame is intense. They are constantly on the go and ready to try new things, which enhances their love bond. If you know a couple who are both Sagittarians, getting together with them is probably over-the-top fun, with tons of stories of their numerous adventures thrown in. A lot of people feel like they haven’t done anything compared to this couple—which might very well be true! These two fire signs are probably extremely outgoing, make friends easily, and love to start new projects together. On the flipside, they can be too impulsive for their own good.  

Sagittarius is ruled by the expansive planet, Jupiter, and both partners really love to learn new things and expand their minds. No topic of discussion is taboo between them, though they prefer to learn things by going out in the world and experiencing them rather than watching TV or reading. They do benefit from taking classes or doing online research together, but they’re much happier out and about—seeing new things and meeting new people. 

Sagittarius is mutable sign, which means they both are fairly easy to get along with and go with the flow as needed. While they might not seek out as much change as a cardinal sign does, they view changes as a necessary part of life. They are accommodating to each other and the situations they find themselves in. This is especially important when they travel together. Delays, cancellations, and other travel-related nightmares can get the best of a couple who doesn’t have this compatible dynamic.

Romantically, these two fire signs are extremely attracted to the one another’s sexiness. Thus, they’re often able to separate their emotions from the physical act of love. Their lovemaking sessions can be extremely intense, especially because of their willingness to experiment and try new things. This is one sign who doesn’t mind choosing quantity over quality, but they have to be careful not to be selfish lovers. Tension occurs when they only look out for themselves in the bedroom, which is about the only thing that can put a damper on their sizzling sex life.

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