Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





7/10 Another sign

There’s magic between Leo and Pisces, and just like magic, it can be a little hard to describe how it works. Other people may doubt the validity of their union, but for the two people experiencing it, they know just how very real it is. 

In terms of astrological matchups, Leo and Pisces are quite different. Extroverted Leos operate from their fixed fire mode, making them passionate, dramatic, and full of energy. Pisces natives come from a more introverted and inward place—their mutable water making them prone to dreamy, hazy qualities that manifest on a more spiritual and ethereal plane. But even a Leo appreciates a good and relaxing cat nap, of course. Pisces will inspire Leo to slow down a bit and appreciate the quieter moments in life. They will find an easy vibe with each other—one they both find quite soothing.

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
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Pisces can easily get swept up by Leo’s grandeur, as they’ll latch on to their natural leadership skills and take-charge attitude. Leo is more than happy to lead, and with Pisces, they’ll have found a partner who is open to their mentoring, which Leo loves to do. Leo will also find a partner in Pisces who is also very keen on dramatic romances and wildly creative projects. Using their imaginations and exploring each other dreams, both literal and figurative, will be jointly shared interests. These interests will keep bringing these two different, but like-hearted souls back together. 

They both will love sending each other love notes throughout the day—from sweet text messages to packing their partner a lunch with a heartfelt word written inside. Where these two dreamboats can start to veer off course, however, is when it comes to issues that require them to become grounded in reality. This is a territory neither likes to luxuriate in for too long. Leo and Pisces both want to turn their fantasies into reality, but when challenges arise, they both may feel like the other is not able to give them the safe harbor they desire in that moment. As a fixed sign, Leo requires a certain level of comfort and stability which Pisces’ mutable and ever-changing water is not able to produce very readily. Leo can then easily lose their footing and start second-guessing themselves. No one likes when the Lion feels insecure. Pisces, usually operating from a more illusory mode, may no longer be able to convince a shaken Leo that their idea is a good one. Without some earth-energy or cardinal initiation, both Leo and Pisces can quickly feel adrift with each other.

While these two may have some core challenges to overcome, both will appreciate having someone who gently pushes them out of their comfort zones. Both of these zodiac signs are gentle-hearted creatures. Leo loves that Pisces opens them up to new ways of thinking and believing. Pisces values the structure and drive that Leo gives them. These two can easily become the best of friends, or the best and more caring couple they’ve each ever had. It will just take a bit of faith, believing in each other, and of course, in their dreams.

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