Your September Horoscope: Summer Might Be Ending, but the Fun Is Just Beginning!


On August 31, 2018

In Astrology

Your September Horoscope: Summer Might Be Ending, but the Fun Is Just Beginning!

Here’s your September 2018 horoscope! Read up, and then go forth and conquer the WORLD! You’ve got this.


Take better care of yourself under the September 9 new moon. With no extra thought or planning, you can eat better and be more active in a smart and sensible way. Feel good, address what’s real, and don’t be tricked by any imaginary ailments.

Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the tenth. Stay active in any career efforts. Rather than trying to create opportunities, position yourself better and let the opportunities come to you. 

Mars squares Uranus on September 18. Every new and sudden turn of events may not work out in your favor, so exercise a bit more caution and judgment.

Love is the answer with the full moon on the twenty-fourth. Let someone’s affection work its magic and be the cure that’s needed to heal a slight or misunderstanding. Be willing to listen. 

Finally, the sun trines Mars on September 27, and you could see a very lucky break if you stay smart about it.

Standout days: 13, 20, 23

Challenging days: 5, 8


Venus squares Mars on September 8. Love and passion may not be on the same page today. A relationship could temporarily get rocked or bumped now. Don’t be rash.

Around the new moon on the ninth, you might be perfectly content to entertain yourself. However, friends and younger relatives may want to jump in. That’s fine, but it’s not your job to provide the thrills.

Venus enters Scorpio on September 9, too. Love could flirt with taking a walk on a wilder side. Your taste for popularity could get spicier and more serious. 

Venus opposes Uranus on the twelfth. You don’t have to explore or experiment now. You already know what you want.

The full moon on September 24 is perfect for fine-tuning your diet or some daily routine. Even a tiny change will make a huge improvement now. Feel happy and powerful without getting critical of others.

Standout days: 3, 12, 17

Challenging days: 6, 27


Mercury enters Virgo on September 5. Now’s the time to tidy up and make perfect a few things that you really enjoy and care about.

Find a clever solution or better arrangement for a domestic matter or home situation with the new moon on the ninth. A dream could easily come true when a simple but clever change is made around the house.

Mercury opposes Neptune on September 13. What originally looked fantastic and wonderful may now reveal some of its weaknesses. It rarely hurts to give something a second, more critical look.

Mercury enters Libra on the twenty-first. Mix with a richer, cleverer crowd. Mercury trines Mars two days later, and it might be hard to be patient.

Find a healthy, happy, clever new hobby or entertainment during the full moon on September 24. Your social circle will come up with plenty of wild and crazy ideas for fun, but you probably won’t be tempted.

Standout days: 3, 15, 20

Challenging days: 6, 16


The moon is in Cancer when Saturn goes stationary direct on September 6. The moon opposes Mars now, too. You can care deeply for your family or home without worrying too much. 

Get lighthearted and more playful with your friends and neighbors as the moon turns new on the ninth. A lot of fun could come out of fantasy games and castles in the air.

The moon conjoins Jupiter on September 13. Some people might have trouble with such an emotional day, but it will feel natural and lucky to you.

The sun enters Libra and the moon in Pisces trines Venus in Scorpio on the twenty-second. Autumn begins in the most tenderhearted way. Enjoy your social contacts more.

Have a great time at home during the September 24 full moon. Finish up a project or redo and feel victorious, satisfied, and proud. You’re not crawling into a shell. You’re glorifying what you love.

Standout days: 4, 23, 27

Challenging days: 8, 25


The sun opposes Neptune on September 7. Learn the truth about a fond fantasy. You could put a firm foundation under a dream now.

Look for money opportunities at the new moon on the ninth. Cash may not flow in right away, but the chance to make it happen could come your way now. Trust your own judgment and double-check anything you’re told.

The sun enters Libra on September 22 and autumn begins. Summer may be over, but there is still a lot of social fun in the air. The moon trines Venus today, too.

Maybe have a house party or game night at home around the full moon on the twenty-fourth. Be good to yourself, and don’t get run ragged from chasing more distant good times.

On September 25, the sun squares Saturn. A control issue could come to a head. If you’re the one in authority, be firm but not fierce.

Standout days: 13, 20, 27

Challenging days: 6, 16


Mercury enters Virgo on September 5. Turn your attention to all those favorite but neglected little things that will make your life so much better. 

The new moon on the ninth is full of dreams and illusions. If you think before you speak or act, it will be easier to separate the illusions from the real deals. Your first impressions are good, so go with them.

The sun conjoins Mercury on September 20. Trust your instincts more than your intellect now. The heart has its own wisdom.

The sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra for the start of autumn on the twenty-second. Social life and creature comforts gain a little priority. Daily life can get nicer and still stay organized and smooth.

Spend wisely during the full moon on September 24. Preserve, repair, or maintain something that is important to you. Other people’s values are secondary. They may just see things differently.

Standout days: 3, 16, 23

Challenging days: 23, 30


The Mercury-Venus sextile on September 3 can turn a long weekend into a pleasant, fun-filled holiday.

The Venus-Mars square on the eighth could challenge a relationship that is already showing signs of strain. Venus enters Scorpio today, too, and love gets more serious.

Demand more quiet time during the September 9 new moon. Hear more of your own truth. You get to decide what’s really important.

When Venus opposes Uranus on the twelfth, you might want to stick to what is tried and true and pass up the offbeat or unusual.

The sun enters Libra on September 22 and autumn begins. This is your month to enjoy life more.

The full moon on the twenty-fourth gives you everything you need to take care of yourself and do well in any situation. You can do this without getting selfish or self-absorbed. Don’t let anyone’s doubts or differing opinions or views throw you off course.

Standout days: 8, 12, 17

Challenging days: 6, 20


With the new moon on September 9, loosen up and get a bit silly. You won’t be the only one. You can probably get a lot of laughs just from watching the silliness around you.

The sun trines Pluto on the eleventh. An unexpected delay or turn of events could easily turn your way.

On September 23, the Mercury-Mars trine lets you find the best way to express an important message or opinion. Be honest and direct, not aggressive.

You could become the refuge for someone during the full moon on the twenty-fourth. It may simply be a matter of communicating with someone who is far away and misses you. Remember to conserve your energy. Respect your own personal emotional space. It’s good to be available even if you can’t directly help.

Pluto goes direct on September 30, having been retrograde since April 22. Be confident and doubt yourself less.

Standout days: 1, 10, 27

Challenging days: 5, 8


The September 9 new moon shines a light on your career or social position. Have confidence, be realistic about your abilities, and then act out of sincerity. People are looking to you to be the leader now.

The moon conjoins Jupiter on the thirteenth. Feel luckier than ever about a fundamental, serious issue. Do what you can before Jupiter moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius on November 8, when it might be all too easy to go overboard.

Social activities ignite with the full moon on September 24. Be comfortable on a bigger stage in a bigger group and set others as ease, too. Deal gracefully with the most difficult people.

Rein in something that might be on the verge of getting out of control during the moon-Jupiter opposition on the twenty-eighth. If everything is already under control, you can get a fresh perspective on plans that you would like to expand.

Standout days: 5, 11, 23

Challenging days: 3, 7


Saturn goes direct on September 6, having been retrograde since April 17. Get more disciplined without being harsh on yourself.

The new moon on the ninth could kick open the door for an issue that has been stuck for a long time. It might not be a big issue, but it could feel important to you. If so, don’t hesitate or hold back from acting. You won’t be the one to start anything. It will just happen.

Lessen the stress and find a healthier, happier groove in your career pursuit or public standing with the full moon on September 24. Lighten up and hammer less hard on a goal or ambition. It’s possible to work too hard and get fewer results. Go for the light touch now.

The sun squares Saturn on the twenty-fifth. Buckle down and get control of a difficult project now. Be strong, realistic, and respectful.

Standout days: 8, 17, 27

Challenging days: 10, 23


Saturn goes direct on September 6. Feel more in control from now through the end of the year.

You’ll be the one true grownup in the room during the new moon on the ninth. You might hear any number of money questions or stray bits of financial advice, but you know better than to be distracted from what’s really happening.

Venus opposes Uranus on September 12. The flashier lover may be at a disadvantage. You can still have adventure with a less risky option.

Mars squares Uranus on the eighteenth. If a disagreement arises, it will probably be over something unimportant that vaporizes right away. Temper, temper.

Get in the mood for the exotic and offbeat when the full moon shines on September 24. Feed your heart and nurture your spirit with new food, music, or maybe even a trip with someone who doesn’t look or sound like everyone or everything else around you.

Standout days: 4, 17, 27

Challenging days: 8, 23


The sun opposes Neptune on September 7. If you’ve been confused about something special, some of the mental fog should clear up now.

The new moon on the ninth illuminates your love life in a spectacular way. You might not connect with your perfect lover or partner, but you could. Your current flame could burn brighter and see you in a more brilliant light.

On September 13, Mercury opposes Neptune. A misconception or misunderstanding can be corrected or dispelled.

You can be the answer to a sticky problem during the full moon on the twenty-fourth. See through someone’s confusion or misinterpretation and come directly to the solution without any expense or effort on your part. Make something impossible look easy because, for you, it is.

On September 25 the asteroid Chiron enters Pisces. You can learn even from an imaginary injury. Allow yourself a little more emotional distance and resist being oversensitive.

Standout days: 5, 23, 28

Challenging days: 15, 30

— By Helen Adams

Photo: @chloeboulos via Twenty20

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