Presidential Zodiac Facts


On February 28, 2017

In Career, Celebrity, Holidays

Presidential Zodiac Facts

Happy President’s Day! Or rather, happy Washington’s birthday, the formal name for this holiday. During his final year in office, people showed their appreciation for the outgoing president by holding celebrations on George Washington’s birthday. Apparently we like three-day weekends so much, the tradition stuck! Let’s take a moment to learn a little more about the great leaders who sacrificed so much for you to sleep in on a Monday:

Aquarius: With eleven former presidents born under an Aquarius Sun, the Water Bearer can claim roughly a quarter of the presidential population, the most of any sign. Famous Aquarians include Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and FDR. Sadly, they are also over-represented in the mortuary, accounting for half of all US presidents who died in office.


Read: Why Aquarius is best in a leadership role

Pisces: Older signs of the Zodiac seem to dominate the Oval Office. The twelfth sign of the Zodiac comes in second with eight total US presidents, including our nation’s first. Surprise Pisceans include historical villain Andrew Jackson, whose Aries ascending may help to explain some of his more brutal and decidedly un-Pisces policy decisions.


Read: Why Pisces has what it takes to be a boss

Aries: Only one elected US president was born under an Aries Sun, and he served over two centuries ago. Get it together, Aries! Since Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, the Ram hasn’t been up to much in the Oval Office, with only a brief stint by Zachary Taylor to break their power drought.


Read: Aries’ career destiny is to be the charming leader

Taurus: Taureans clock in with a respectable four US presidents, including Harry Truman and Ulysses S. Grant, who served as the Commanding General during the Civil War. Grant later sparred with his predecessor Andrew Johnson (another unsavory Andrew) over the direction of Congressional Reconstruction. How very Bullish of him.


Read: Why Taurus should rule over all other signs

Gemini: Our current president Donald Trump was born under the communicative Gemini, which may explain his particular fondness for Twitter. The changeable Twins tend to produce presidents with more fluid political ideologies, including Cold War bad boy JFK.


Read: Gemini George H.W. Bush jumped out of an airplane at age 90!

Cancer: Three US presidents were born under the Crab, including George W. Bush and Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge’s natal chart is a special presidential mystery: how can a Cancer Sun and a Gemini Moon be remembered as one of the least-sociable politicians of all time? According to one popular anecdote, a woman seated next to him at a dinner party teased him by claiming that she’d made a bet to get him to say three words. His response? “You lose.”


Read: Cancers are natural winners!

Leo: Four US presidents were born under Leo, with the Lion making a particular comeback among recent Democratic presidents. Leos can claim Bill “I Smoked But Didn’t Inhale” Clinton and Barack “I Inhaled… That Was the Point” Obama among their own.

Read: It’s not surprising that presidents are often Leos!

Virgo: Tied with Aries for the fewest US presidents, famous Virgos include William Howard Taft – often remembered for allegedly getting stuck in a bathtub – and LBJ, who would probably like to be remembered for his War on Poverty but is most commonly remembered for his war in Vietnam.


Read: Why Virgos were born to lead others

Libra: Peacemaking Libras can claim Jimmy Carter, Dwight Eisenhower and Chester Arthur, who has the distinction of making Time magazine’s Top Ten Forgettable Presidents list.


Read: Do Libras have what it takes to lead?

Scorpio: Five US presidents were born under the Scorpion, including Teddy “It Takes More Than That To Kill a Bull Moose” Roosevelt and John Adams, the nation’s second president and first vice-president.


Read: More Presidents have been Scorpios than other signs!

Sagittarius: Does anyone have any fun facts about Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor or Franklin Pierce? Sagittarian presidents are mainly remembered for the suburban high schools that were named after them, probably because none of these men served for more than one term. Zachary Taylor’s main accomplishment was dying a year after taking office, and Franklin Pierce was a rabid anti-abolitionist. You can do better, Sagittarius.


Read: The Archer as the big boss

Capricorn: Four US presidents were born under a Capricorn Sun, but only two one of them were actually elected: Woodrow Wilson and Richard “Not a Crook” Nixon. Andrew Johnson and Millard Fillmore both assumed office after the death of their predecessors.


Read: Why you should always elect a Capricorn to leadership

Written by contributor Grace Culhane

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