Planetary Aspects for April 9 to April 15: Congrats! Venus Is The Third Wheel in Your Relationship!


On April 9, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Planetary Aspects for April 9 to April 15: Congrats! Venus Is The Third Wheel in Your Relationship!

Midweek, Venus makes you hot and heavy — then makes your partner unattainable. Venus, playing hot and cold, creates confusion in your love life (yes, even if you’re in a locked down LTR) all week long. Luckily, you have the strong Aries sun, which has your back and encourages you to stay the course, and other aspects signal this can be a week that’s productive and fun, even if it is challenging. And bonus: Mercury finally goes direct by end of week! Here, planetary aspects that affect all signs for April 9 to April 15. 

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Monday, April 9
Accept Obstacles 
Early in the day, an Aries sun squares a Capricorn moon before the moon shifts to Aquarius. You may face difficulty, drama, and feel like you’re not quite achieving the progress you expected. Stay the course and trust that everything will work out — but you might need to let go of your timeline and expectations a little bit. 

Tuesday, April 10
Get Lucky! 

When Venus trines Mars, everyone wins—especially in a relationship. Whether it’s a LTR or a newish romance, this aspect is all about chemistry and throw down. Don’t worry about what things mean or where things are heading; focus on the way your bodies blissfully fit together. Isn’t it good not to have to think? Even better — this aspect continues tomorrow too! 

Wednesday, April 11
Embrace the Suck 
Let’s be honest: Today is a hard day. When the sun squares Pluto, you may feel unsure about … everything. Power struggles abound, and it’s the type of day where your boss dumps a bunch of stuff on your desk as they head out, leaving out at work for hours. The good news? It’s just one day! The more you can leave emotions out of it and get things done like a machine, the better. 

Thursday, April 12 
Don’t Pin Things Down!
Venus, what are you doing? So you had some A-plus orgasms earlier this week, and now, you may want to have “the talk” with your partner. Only thing is, Venus isn’t having it. Forming a semi-square to Chiron today, Venus does not want to bestow commitment. The more we all can be okay with that in our relationships — even in marriages, it’s important to remember the “you” and “me” of a we, the better you’ll be. 

Friday, April 13
Stick to Routine 

Friday the 13th! But more to the point, the moon is void the majority of the day, between Pisces and Aries. During these void times, it’s best to stick to what works, avoid taking on new projects, and avoid starting new romances and relationships. This will be most of the day — the moon exits Pisces after 7am ET and enters Aries just before midnight — so skip date night and do Netflix and takeout, either solo or with friends you trust. It may not be glam or exciting, but routine can be oh so good, too. 

Saturday, April 14 
Let it Go
It’s an Aries new moon, and a good time to take stock of what the last few weeks have brought, and look ahead to the future. Doing some new moon magic can be optimal on a night like this. Tonight may be best for staying in, catching up, or enjoying dinner or drinks with old friends — it may not be the optimal day to go on a date. 

Sunday, April 15
Buy That New Phone, Because Mercury Goes Direct!

It’s what you and everyone on the planet has been waiting for — Mercury goes direct! It’s a great time to finally sign papers, buy electronics, and otherwise breathe a sigh of relief. Just know, though, that a shadow period occurs for about two weeks after Mercury goes diret, so some caution is advised. 

Read last week’s planetary aspect guide here. 

Read this week’s horoscope here! 

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

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