How to Harness the Energy of Tonight's New Moon in Capricorn


On January 16, 2018

In Aspect, Date, Spirit

How to Harness the Energy of Tonight's New Moon in Capricorn

Today, we have a stunning new moon in the sign of Capricorn! No matter what your sun, moon, or rising sign is you will feel the effects of this energy stirring within your life!

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

To start, new moons are energetically reflective times that nudge us into a brief period of stillness before we spring into action! This is the time to visit the desires of your heart and to check your status on your unique path in life to ensure that you are on the right track!

With this knowledge, you can then work to set your intent as you move forward!

On this new moon, Capricorn energy is strong as six of the ten planets crowd in this sign! This is going to highlight security and stability for you as well as status and growth! Capricorn is one of the most hardworking signs of the zodiac and is known for committing itself to projects that it believes is worthy of the investment of its time, resources, and energy. This new moon you are asked to revisit what is worth putting your precious energy and focus into and to commit yourself completely to them!

For many, this will be areas of work and reputation as Capricorn naturally rules the 10th house of career and status. For others, your commitments are called to attention! This means commitments in important partnerships, health and lifestyle, and even your healing.

Capricorn calls you to take responsibility for yourself and works to advance you to the next level reminding you that as long as you are here on earth you are designed to grow and strive no matter how old or young you are (or feel)! For this, sometimes the weight of this growth can feel hard or heavy to carry but when you know that what you are working towards or want to bring into your life is gold and valuable then it will always be worth your effort and will pay off in spades!

This new moon is supported by the energy of beautiful Venus, action-packed Mars, and abundance giving Jupiter! Venus rules love, beauty, luxury, and relationships and she infuses her energy like roses steeping in hot water for tea this new moon! Again, this highlights our love and relationships but also our finances! For many, your finances and lifestyle want your extra attention and this is the perfect time to set your sights for a higher quality of living and luxury! Doors are apt to swing open as surprising offers may come in promising promotions and opportunity! This is because Uranus is in the corner squaring this new moon! You can count on Uranus to shake things up and give surprises!

Jupiter rules expansion and always wants us to think big! Here he says, ‘the sky is the limit!’ and has the potential to offer handsome compensation for those bold enough to ask for what they want and deserve!

Mars in Scorpio lends you the power and motivation to passionately seek and make moves towards building what you are wishing to manifest in your life! Mars rewards those that are bold enough to take the next step! Help the moon along by submitting resumes, asking someone you admire on a date, signing up to take a class you always wanted to take, or whatever else your heart desires!

This moon has the potential to rain big reward on those that are open to receiving the gifts of this abundantly filled universe! For that, there are rituals that anyone can do to invite in the energy that is here for us to enjoy!

Abundance Attraction Ritual:
Start off by smudging you and your sacred space. Use sage or Palo Santo to cleanse your energy as new moons thrive in fresh energy! Using bergamot, patchouli, cedarwood, and ginger oil in a carrier oil anoint a green candle or add to the pulse points of the body. This infuses the abundance properties of the oils and herbs to you, drawing money in. For those not comfortable working with oils, you can move on to the next step, which is visualizing what you want to manifest in clear and full detail. Visualize yourself in the center of all of the abundance- you are a magnet to all the goodness that the universe holds!

Write the vision and intentions down on a piece of paper. When you are done, carefully fold it up and tuck it away in a safe place undisturbed until it manifests itself!

Looking to attract love? Use rose geranium, roses, jasmine flowers, and ylang-ylang. Use with a red or pink candle. If you do not have either you can use a white candle!—Jessica Wiggan 

Jessica Wiggan is a healer, intuitive, astrologer and tarot reader. Find her at her online apothecary BehatiLife!

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

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