How to Get Over Your Ex Using the Capricorn Full Moon

Breakups are never easy, and it can be especially difficult to move on from a relationship when the wounds are still fresh. But there’s one celestial event that can help you release old patterns and emotional baggage: the Capricorn Full Moon. This lunar event, which occurs once a year, can be a powerful time for Capricorns and non-Capricorns alike to let go of past relationships and start fresh. Here’s how to use the Capricorn Full Moon to get over your ex.
Reflect On Your Past Relationship
The Capricorn Full Moon is a time for reflection and introspection. Take some time to think about your past relationship and the lessons you’ve learned from it. What worked well, and what didn’t? What patterns and behaviors do you want to leave behind? Use this time to gain clarity and insight into what you want and need in future relationships.
Practice Self-Care
During the Capricorn Full Moon, it’s important to focus on self-care and nurturing yourself. Take a relaxing bath, indulge in your favorite hobbies, or spend time in nature. Do whatever brings you joy and makes you feel centered and grounded. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to move forward and attract positive experiences and relationships into your life.
Let Go Of The Past
The Capricorn Full Moon is a powerful time to release old patterns and emotional baggage. Write down any negative thoughts or feelings you have about your ex or your past relationship, and then burn the paper to symbolize letting go. Alternatively, you could perform a releasing ritual by lighting a candle, meditating on what you want to release, and blowing out the candle to signify letting go.
Set New Intentions
The Capricorn Full Moon is also a time to set new intentions and goals for the future. Write down what you want in a future relationship and what qualities you want in a partner. Visualize yourself in a happy, healthy relationship, and set intentions that align with that vision. By focusing on what you want, you’ll be better able to attract positive experiences and relationships into your life.
Embrace The Present Moment
Finally, remember to embrace the present moment and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Use the Capricorn Full Moon as an opportunity to shift your perspective and see the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. By cultivating gratitude and positivity, you’ll attract more of the same into your life and be better equipped to move on from your past relationship.
In conclusion, the Capricorn Full Moon can be a powerful tool for letting go of past relationships and moving forward with clarity and intention. By practicing self-care, releasing old patterns, setting new intentions, and embracing the present moment, you’ll be well on your way to attracting positive experiences and relationships into your life.