Your December Horoscope: It's Gonna Be a Big Month Filled With All Kinds of Magic


On October 29, 2018

In Astrology

Your December Horoscope: It's Gonna Be a Big Month Filled With All Kinds of Magic

Your December 2018 horoscopes have arrived and it’s gonna be great! Read up, and when you’re done, check out your December 2018 sex and love horoscope! Happy Holidays!

Aries Monthly Horoscope

The month might get off to a rough start, but things will smooth out after a few days. On the sixth, the new moon will fill you with unlimited possibilities and with Mercury going direct the same day, things will start to chill out in the communication department. The Mars-Neptune conjunction on seventh will surely be fabulous. On the December 22nd full moon, you might feel a pull from the outside world and you might just have to push back. but you know how to push back. Mars enters Aries on the thirty-first so you can start the new year on fire!

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

On the second, you’re gonna go all in on love as Venus enters Scorpio. The new moon on the sixth can help you solve a problem. The Mars-Neptune conjunction on seventh will be truly wonderful. The December 22nd full moon will help you feel true happiness (and also coziness!) in your home. Get ready for a fulfilling and love-filled holiday with your close family and friends.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

With the new moon on the sixth, you could reap the benefits of an extra sweet lover or even multiple suitors. If the latter is the case, give yourself some time to decide what to do next! When Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 12, things start to heat up for you, and on the twenty-first, winter begins as the sun enters serious Capricorn and it’s time to act big with both care and compassion. Don’t ask for anything during the full moon and you will receive multitudes.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Be kind to yourself and others during the sun-Neptune square on December 5. Your work could take center stage during the new moon on the sixth and small, low-key chores and activities will keep you sane. The Venus-Neptune trine on December 21 will help you get through difficult times. The December 22 full moon will put you in power and get you through the holidays.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

The sun-Mars square on December 2 might set the month off to a bumpy start, but hang on and try not to ruffle any feathers. On the December sixth moon, it’s time to have fun, be creative, and maybe even a little sexy! When the sun trines Uranus on December 20, and it’s a good time to surprise a special someone with a sweet lil’ treat. During the December full moon on the twenty-second, it’s a good time to look inward and find some peace during the holidays.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Your home life will get rosier on the December sixth new moon — it’s time to feel happy and cozy in your house. Plus, with Mercury going direct today, and while misunderstandings won’t disappear, things will start to lighten. When Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 12, it’s a great time to get into the holiday spirit. And hey, don’t stress about making everything perfect; let someone else do the hospitality and you can just show up, looking fabulous!

Libra Monthly Horoscope

When Venus enters Scorpio on December 2, it’s time to resolve any issues leftover from the Venus retrograde. One side note: If something feels helpless, just let it go. You can’t fix everything. On December sixth’s new moon, it’s a good time to stick close to home and start getting in the holiday spirit. December 21’s Venus-Neptune trine will make everything a little magical, and the full moon on the twenty-second will make you a star at work.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Mercury enters Scorpio on December 1st, so it’s time to think harder and better about important issues before you act. When Venus enters Scorpio on the second, you will know and feel true love, but with the sun squaring Mars as well, it’s not a good time to pick a fight. Stay cool! December sixth’s new moon will make you feel rich and attract more wealth. The full moon on December 22 will help make your holiday season extremely magical. Embrace it!

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

December sixth’s new moon can bring some major luck into your life, and you might be feeling like invitations coming from any and all directions. Or maybe you want to throw your own party? When Mercury enters Sagittarius on the twelfth, it’s a good time to focus on holiday prep and figuring out your busy schedule. Have fun! On the December 22nd full moon on the twenty-second, you’ll be able to help someone incredibly special to you. Yay!

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Take time for yourself on the December 6th new moon. Stay focused. Mercury goes direct the same day so it’s also a good day for organization. When the moon conjoins Saturn on the eighth, you’ll be able to work through some complicated issues. The Venus-Saturn sextile on December 16 can help you get closer to an older relative or friend who will be able to help you. On the December 22nd, stay close to home and feel the love.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

The new moon on December 6 will help you majorly shine. You’ll receive a ton of invites — don’t get overwhelmed and just go to the ones you want to. When Mercury goes direct on the same day, don’t let unresolved issues continue. When the sun trines Uranus on December 20, it’s a good to time to have fun at a holiday event. Slow down (at least a little bit!) on the December 22nd, and take care of yourself and the small chores you want to get done. When the moon trines Uranus on December 26, an unexpected little something will make you even happier than you already are.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

With the December sixth new moon, it’s time to give in to the magic of the holidays, especially in your work life. With the Mars-Neptune conjunction on December 7, your dreams can get bigger and bigger. The December 21st Venus-Neptune trine, things get even bigger and brighter. December 22nd’s full moon will have you feeling super sensitive, but that’s OK! Lean into it! Near the end of the month, spend some time with a loved one and make them incredibly happy. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @crystalmariesing via Twenty20

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