Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 23

By Horoscope.com

On January 23, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 23

You may be getting a total case of the Mondays, one day late. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The moon in Aries cranks up your ambition, but a square from the moon to Mercury and Pluto can cause disagreements, confusion, or setbacks. There’s not much you can do but go with the flow, and control what you can control, while knowing everything will sort itself out by end of the week. But don’t use situations outside of your control as an excuse not to do anything. Aries wants you to focus on your own projects and passions. You can (and should) get a lot accomplished today, but the trick is to find the right path and stick on it. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Tuesday, January 23. 

Aries Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sign brings a lot of responsibility, a lot of action, and some awkward interactions. Take the bad with the good, and focus primarily on going after (and getting!) what you want. The key to success today is not to take any shortcuts, and avoid discussing things (or complaining) behind someone’s back. Of course, that’s standard practice any day, but today, trust that it will come back to bite you. So much better to forge ahead by the rules, even if it does take a lot longer than you’d like 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Time to play, Taurus! You had a busy weekend, and you’re not ready to let it go. Tonight is a prime night to go out, and could be a great day to get lucky in love. The key for today is to stop planning (so hard for you, Bulls) and let things unfold. Don’t be afraid of prioritizing what’s best for you. A “maybe” isn’t a commitment. It’s okay to say no to something you feel eh about. However, today is also a good day to examine the way you’ve been committing to all those social situations. Why are you saying “maybe” instead of making a decision in the moment?  

Gemini Daily Horoscope     
Today’s a frustrating day, Gemini, where you feel like you’re working your way up a hill without an end in sight. The good news: There is an end in sight, and this may just be the universe teaching you a lesson. There are no shortcuts, and you may have to have a few hard conversations (like we said in the intro, today is a day for #mondayvibes) Self-care is important, and no one will do it for you. Treat yourself, even a long, luxe shower can give you the worldview you need. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Cancer is in love, and it feels so good. Whether you’re attached or single, you’re committed, if not to a person, to an idea or even to yourself. And when Cancer is passionate, you’re super single-minded. Your MO for the day is to make sure that you pay attention to the rest of the stuff that’s going on in your life. Yes, it’s great to be single-minded, but you’ve still gotta pay your cell phone bill! Pay attention to the boring administrative details of your life so you can truly revel in love. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Leo, roar! After a month dealing with a few family fires, you’re back to focusing on other aspects of your life that may have fallen by the wayside. If you don’t have a scheduling system, today is the day to get one. Things will fall by the wayside otherwise. Figure out a way to calendar your multiple commitments; you’re using more mental real estate than you realize just keeping track of your daily life admin. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
The Aries moon is making you second guess decisions, as things from your past come back today. The important thing is to take your ego out of action, especially where mistakes are concerned. It’s far more important to fix a situation than to give excuses as to why things didn’t work out. Forgive yourself and figure out the best path between fixing things from the past and moving forward into the future. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
The moon casts light on your relationships sector, and the moon encourages you to look for real-deal, star love. You may find yourself frustrated by surface romances, or, if you’re attached, may eb yearning to feel closer to your partner. Vulnerability is your friend today. Today is a day to live in the spaces and silences between you and your significant other; recognizing them is the first step in making them smaller. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re always highly in tune with what your body wants, and today, your intuition truly lives in your body and gut, not your brain. Pay attention to what (and who) your body is pulling you toward; you may find attraction brewing with someone you had never previously considered. Stop overthinking or obsessing; just go with it. Melt into your body and everything will fall into place. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Today is a day where you’re tackling the big questions. Don’t ignore them. Let them in. You tend to fight emotions with practicality, but today is a great day to just allow your emotions to unfold. What if you lived your life according to your heart’s wishes? You want something you think is impractical. Let your brain believe it isn’t. Then, watch the magic happen. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re in the middle of an intense time, Caps, and you may feel like you’re burning the midnight oil without appreciation. It’s time to let the resentment go and figure out who you’re working so hard for. You don’t need a gold medal. You just need to get it done. Make that your motto! 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
It’s your birthday month, and any birthday month can bring up some insecurities. That is especially true today. An Aries moon is telling you to go, go, go, whole Mercury may not be giving you all the information you need to do so. It’s okay to slow down. It’s okay to take things step by step. In fact, whatever you’re dealing with, it’s okay. Period. Full stop. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Mercury may put you in the middle of an intense discussion that escalates, fast, and may be focused on issues near and dear to your heart. Stay true to your ideals, but also know it’s okay to walk away. Your role isn’t to change anyone’s mind, Pisces. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is live your own truth. Don’t get riled up over a situation you can’t control.

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