Daily Horoscope for Friday January 12

Friyay? Not so fast. Before you feel the weekend vibes, know that today may be a surprisingly intense day. Mercury and Saturn move in conjunction in Capricorn, and this brings up all sorts of responsibilities and issues. You may get that dreaded come into my office email from your boss right as you’re packing your bag to head home. Your partner may say they want to talk—in person, not on text. You may feel your stomach sink to your knees. But even though today could be stressful AF, know this: Everyone is going through it. You have integrity and honesty on your side. Don’t play games or cut corners, tell the truth. Someone may not be happy with you, but trust that the fallout will be far, far better than if you tell a lie or spread a mistruth. Just get whatever conversation over with, so you can enjoy the weekend with a clear conscience. Here, your horoscope for all star signs for Friday, January 12.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Saturn heap responsibility on you, Rams. Work is surprisingly stressful today, and you may be tempted to tell a half-truth or fudge your way out of a situation. Don’t. Your words mean everything, and things you say—especially if not wholly true—could come back to haunt you. It’s not all bad news, though. You will rise to the challenges presented to you today, and even though today may be far more taxing than you’d like from a Friday, you can end the day feeling that good sort of exhausted based on a job well done.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
You’re renewing a commitment to yourself, and Mercury and Saturn may put on the pressure to actually get the ball rolling if it comes to some sort of self-improvement strategy. Today’s the day to get an application for school, hit the gym, or apply for a new job. You may find some deadlines popping up. You can finish on time. Stop making excuses for yourself, cancel plans for the weekend, and get things done.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Your chart is all about commitment, and you may find an issue popping up in your relationship. It may not be serious or stressful—it could be as simple as a newish date asking you to come with them for a last-minute long weekend trip—but the implications are far reaching. You know what you want out of your partnership, so why are you keeping your desires close to the chest? It’s time to put all your cards on the table.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You can be especially sensitive to criticism, Cancer, and it may be coming your way today. Fair warning, and know that the critique isn’t meant to be hurtful, and could help you in the long run. You may feel like the world is against you today, which may make you feel like turning in and hibernating. Resist the urge. Speaking with a close friend or family member can help you see the situation with the perspective you need, and help you get over the emotional sting of whatever comes your way today.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Leo, you’ve been in the holday spirit too long, and you’re about to get called out today! You’ve had a little too much fun these last few weeks, and some responsibilities have fallen by the wayside. Today is your back to reality wakeup call. Use the weekend to strategize how you’re going to move forward. You must find balance for a successful winter!
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re still feeling a little out of sorts, and you may feel an intensity and urgency to all interactions you have today. Today is a good day to problem solve, and you may find what’s bothering you isn’t so much your present circumstances, but echoes from your past. It’s a heavy realization for a Friday, but the more you can let go and focus on the here and now, the better.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your family sector is lighting up today, and Mercury and Saturn may push a serious conversation or conflict. Approach with caution, but state your mind—this isn’t a time when you can be equivocal. Your family looks to your reason and judgment, and you may need to be firm regarding a financial or personal matter that affects the family. Be honest, polite, stick to your guns, and know that it is far better to deal with this situation today than later.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today can be an intense, but useful, day. You don’t shy away from serious conversations, even if they may be initially unpleasant. One of these pops up in your schedule today, but appproaching it forthrightly, politely, and sticking to your talking points will benefit you in the long run. You may be the only person in your work team or at home to actually have the balls to have these discussions. While today may not be “fun,” it’s going to be remembered as a pivotal day for you, so be bold.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your sign, and you’re feeling conflicted. You’re itching to shrug off responsibilites, but you’ve got a lot on your plate, and you’ve gotta get it done. The more you accept this fact, and set up some fun activities a bit down the pike, the better you’ll be. Today is a day to buckle down and get to work. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop the self pity party. You’ve got a lot to do, but you know you can handle it. Own it.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Saturn in your sign put a lot of pressure on you, but you can rise to the challenge. Your greatest obstacle today is yourself. You are your own worst enemy and can be especially self-critical, which can cause you to feel paralyzed. The important thing today is to move forward. Doing something is far better than doing nothing. Start with baby steps.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
You get news you’ve been waiting for today, Aquarius, and it may be sad. You may experience an ending of one thing, but remember: When one door closes, a window opens. Today may be a day to mourn, be sad, or feel nostalgic for what was or what could have been. Own the feelings. Feel the feelings. And then know that you can move on to something bigger and brighter.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day for goal setting and goal getting—if you get out of your comfort zone. You may have some stressful situations pop up today, but they’re more the adrenaline-jolt variety than abject terror—think running into your career role model or crush. Fortune favors the bold, so be brave, say hi, engage in conversation, and go after (and get!) what you want.
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