Can You Plan Great Sex Based on How the Stars Align?


On November 9, 2018

In Astrology, Sex

Can You Plan Great Sex Based on How the Stars Align?

In its 4,000-year history, astrology has been used to decide everything from when to go to war to the best date to hold a wedding. But mostly weddings. So can we can use this time-tested resource to plan something simple, like a night of great sex?

I asked three astrology experts across the United States to weigh in on how you can use astrology to stack the odds in your favor… romantically.  They shared the important things to consider, including charting the actual relationship (instead of only one partner), finding the right location based on planet transits, and also knowing what you are looking for help with from the universe.

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John Townley, author of the astrology book, Planets in Love: Exploring Your Emotional and Sexual Needs, has been researching this very subject since the 1970s. He says that tracking our planetary transits can definitely give us an idea of what is affecting us on any given night, but isn’t a guarantee of what we’ll actually achieve. “It’s something you would consult like the weather,” he explains. So, how would Townley forecast good astrological weather for sex?

Two charts are at play

Since sex involves two people, the usual natal chart reading isn’t going to tell us much. Townley developed a technique to create composite charts, and wrote the first known book on the subject in 1973. Composite charts are created by putting one person’s chart on top of another and identifying where their planets will align. Townley says that the more time we spend with our partner the more accurate the reading will be. “Composite charts get stronger with age,” he explains.

And since they only work for people in a relationship, they don’t work the same as a natal chart. For example, you can track personal transits to a composite chart but not progressions to it. So a composite chart reading will be much more accurate for a long-term relationship than with someone you met last weekend.

The location matters

Michelle Gould, an instructor and board member at the Avalon School of Astrology in Gainesville, FL, and co-host of an immersion workshop called Cosmic Relationships with John Townley, has used astrology to help plan a lot of destination weddings. She says that when planning a couple’s romantic weekend, the place can be just as important as the time. “We are a kaleidoscope of influences rather than just a sign,” she explains. Moving to another location on the globe will change how the planets affect us almost as much as if we were born somewhere else.  “We can look for spots on the globe that are supportive or not supportive.”

Know what you’re looking for

Astrologer Regina Clarkinia of Los Angeles has been studying astrology for 20 years, and more recently started working on identifying what methods will work for different people and their sexual goals. “It’s going to be different for everyone,” she shares. 

That said, she offers a menu of specific suggestions based on personal transits. For example, if you need help with confidence, Clarkinia says that the Mars conjunct Sun transit might give you the ego boost you’ve been wishing for. But for better or worse, it will express whatever is in the subconscious.

Or, if you find your sex life is being blocked by past trauma, Clarkinia suggests planning a night when Venus – Chiron transits your natal Scorpio.

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And if you really want to experiment, Clarkinia suggests finding out when Mars/Pluto transits your natal Scorpio for a chance of the most explosive – and possibly best sex ever. But all reward comes with a bit of risk, and this transit could alternately result in a rough emotional night. Either way, this will likely result in a very transformative experience.

There is some controversy about this last suggestion. Townley advises that Mars/Pluto might bring out more of a “desperate urge” than a beautiful culmination of a heart-centered bond. “Think 50 Shades of Gray. It’s better to stay away from Pluto until you know what you are doing.”

Townley shares that it’s best to keep it simple. “Mars is good for a basic love affair.”

Gould recommends romance when Venus contacts Jupiter once a year. This is a special time, so watch for it! And, of course, the moon will conjunct Venus once a month, and this will generally make it easier to be sexually expressive. “That’s a sexy time,” says Gould.

It’s all up to you (and the universe!)

All experts shared that if you asked for help in the bedroom, they would mostly focus on helping you and your partner understand your overall charts and influences so you could grow as a couple—and do it so well that great sex comes naturally, rather than trying to schedule intimacy.

So, can you plan great sex based on how the stars align? You can definitely try!

You can take a shot when the moon conjuncts Venus or Jupiter. A professional astrologer can help you track your personal ad composite transits, helping you identify the best astrological forecast for your escapades. Or you can take a quick look here for gaging how things might go on any given night (in bed)! — by Juliah Rueckert

Juliah Reuckert is a writer, editor, director, animator, and astrology enthusiast living in Los Angeles. 

Photo via @blynnao via Twenty20

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