Born on the Aries-Taurus Cusp? Sorry, You're Not Both Signs

Some very special people are born in the moments leading up to or immediately following the sun’s monthly change of signs, making it sometimes a little difficult to determine their birth or sun sign. This is commonly referred to as being born on the cusp, and it typically occurs when you are born on the day the sun changes signs.
Why You Feel Split Between Two Zodiac Signs
As an astrologer, I’ve talked to many people who would swear they were one of the two signs, neither of the signs, or even the next sign over! Cue the identity crisis.
There are many, many reasons why this feeling might pop up less to do with being born on the cusp and more to do with how the other planets in your chart interact with each other.
More on that below. But first, let’s identify the cusp dates.
Zodiac Cusp Dates
In astrology, each sign is exactly 30 degrees, meaning that whatever planet is occupying that sign will touch 0 degrees all the way to 29 degrees before moving to the next sign. When you’re born on a cusp, the sun—which represents your sun or birth sign—occupies either the very last degree of a sign (29) or the very first few degree of a sign (0).
Because of this, “cusp dates” can reach up to two days before or after the date a sun sign changes into a new season. (It also means a planet cannot be in more than one sign at a time, but can be very close to a transition—but we’ll get to that later.)
When your birthday falls between April 18 and April 22, you may feel close to both Aries and Taurus signs.
Taurus-Gemini cusp babies are born between May 19 to May 23.
If your birthday is between June 19 and June 23, you may feel like you have the characteristics of both Gemini and Cancer.
If your birthday falls between July 21 and July 25, you’re a Cancer-Leo cusp baby.
Those whose birthdays lie between August 21 and August 25 may feel as though they connect with both Leo and Virgo.
Virgo-Libra cusp babies were born between September 21 and September 25.
Born between October 21 and October 25, puts you on the Libra-Scorpio cusp.
The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is between November 20 and November 24.
When your birthday falls between the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp of December 18 and December 24, you may feel connected to both signs.
Capricorn-Aquarius cusp babies are born between January 18 and January 22.
Born between February 17 and February 21 puts you on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp.
When your birthday is between the dates of March 19 to March 23, you may be attracted to both Pisces and Aries signs.
Why You Cannot Be More Than One Sign
Sorry to break it to you, you’re one sign or the other. Just because you were born on the Aries-Pisces cusp, you cannot be both signs. (Of course, there are other astrologers who believe differently—but please allow me to break it down for you.)
It’s all about where the rest of your planets are positioned in your birth chart. Knowing your rising sign and the location of all eight planets is crucial. With that information, you’re able to see which planets were positioned in which signs during your birth, enabling you to put together the multiple facets of your personality. (Of course, getting a psychic reading will also help you further understand your identity and personality.)
For instance, even if you have the sun at 0 degrees of Aries, it might literally be the only planet that you have in the sign of Aries. Even if the sun wasn’t at 0 degrees, you could also share this same feeling of not complete alignment with your sun sign.
A Real Life Example
I have the sun at the very end of Libra. But it’s the only planet in the sign of Libra in my chart. Libras are generally regarded as really social and sometimes aren’t as deep as the rest of the signs, preferring to keep surface level. But anyone who knows me, knows that I’m all about the depth! The deeper and mysterious and weirder it gets, I’m more committed.
That’s because I have a whopping four planets in the sign of Scorpio: my Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Saturn. So that’s just one reason we may not identify wholly with our given sun sign.
Mercury Also Plays a Huge Part in Your Birth Chart
Another reason you may not identify with your sun sign—which is even more interesting!—has to do with the planet Mercury. Mercury is the sun’s closest pal—it’s almost always in the same sign or one sign away from its big, bright neighbor. Mercury rules how we communicate, as well as how we process information.
Interestingly enough, Mercury is commonly in the same sign as the sun for a lot of people–which means many people’s core identity and way of processing information is very similar. I would add that if you were born on a cusp, this becomes less likely. So, in theory, if you have your identity (the sun) and the way you process and put out information (Mercury) in different signs, it might also be the reason you’re not totally in alignment with your sun sign.
Lead photo courtesy of @ameysarealm