
The water Tiger year can bring impediments for Monkey. Fortunately, though, you love a challenge! This year, the Tiger roars, and the world turns to look in its direction—which can cause you to feel unsupported. But clever Monkey, this also means that you are unsupervised and able to do whatever you want. There will be a plethora of opportunities for you. With a little effort, you can gain access to the people and financial possibilities you've been looking for.

Year of the Dragon is here! Find out what's in store for you!

2022 marks the first year of your three-year harvest period. This begins the most abundant time of your 12-year cycle. The challenge is that a harvest is hard work. The work needs to be done quickly, or else the luscious fruits will rot on the vine, and the delicate lettuce will bolt and go to seed. It's necessary for you to stay focused this year. The good news is that you’re efficient, especially when there are such enticing incentives.

In the water Tiger year, opportunities come from surprising sources. You may not see the benefit of doing a work project, or going on a date with someone who's not necessarily your type. But through these activities, fortune can come your way.

Diplomacy will come in handy in 2022. You can attract more with sugar than with vinegar this year. At times, you'll need to slow down to allow others to catch up. Consider letting go of being right, and allow others to take center stage.

Overall, the word for Monkey is “balance.” Success comes when you take a measured approach.


This year, you have good prospects for new friendships and relationships. But Monkey, your attention seems to be elsewhere. Even good friends may complain that you are present one minute and absent the next. It’s vital for you to be on time for events with the people you care about the most.

The water Tiger year is quite stable for Monkeys who are in a committed love match. You could even have an adventure together. If you're looking for love, though, you may have some challenges. Someone you're interested in may be involved with someone else. Or perhaps they're just not ready, and they may ask you to wait. You'll have to weigh the pros and cons of putting all your romance eggs in one basket.

Around the time of the new moon on March 31, your sweetheart may misinterpret your feelings. You are inscrutable now, even though you think you've been clear in your communication. Try to keep the mood light, and things will look better in the morning.

On July 13, the full moon could bring a magical evening of steamy romance. It's worth rearranging your schedule to have some time together. Monkey, you may be dancing the tango between the sheets!

Around the lunar eclipse on November 8, a friend may bring you a surprise—along with a decision that needs to be made. You can follow them on the road they're taking, which could end up creating a major change in your own life. Monkey, this could be a joyful adventure!

Family & Friends

The year of the water Tiger may have its challenges for you, Monkey. And so, even though you are generally quite healthy and active this year, you should avoid overindulging in sweets or liquid refreshments. The additional stress this year can help you stay sharp and active. However, there are benefits to stress-reducing activities like meditation.

The new moon on March 2 shows you to be quite active. Monkey, you may be involved in some new exercise connected with dance, martial arts, or swimming. Any activity that has circular motions and keeps your feet on the ground is good for you at this time. And your natural proficiency at physical activities makes you top of the class.

The lunar eclipse on November 8 could bring a little bump in the health road. Monkey, you may realize that you've been overindulging. Now, you can rein it in and get back on track to a healthy lifestyle.


While the water Tiger year can be challenging for Monkey, it is also a harvest year—so you might make more money than usual. Communication will be key. It will be necessary for you to ask for the sale or the salary increase. Likewise, if you want to find a new position, you may have to do more than usual to get the interview. But once you're there, you can get the offer and even negotiate a higher salary. If you're working on your own business, look for ways to keep equipment expenses down, and you will have a profitable year.

The full moon on April 16 has you working behind the scenes. It will be important for you to put your name on this work. Otherwise, your efforts may be attributed to someone else. On the plus side, you have more autonomy and the possibility of setting your own schedule.

The new moon on July 28 brings a lucky period for your career. Everything seems to come together, Monkey, just as you have planned. Your presentation or project could be met with applause and accolades.

Pay special attention to the solar eclipse on October 25, as interesting information could be revealed about your company. This may give you an indication of the viability and profitability of the firm. You may find that there are many opportunities for you if you stay in your current job. But be aware, this information could also suggest that you would be better off elsewhere.


Despite the challenges you may be experiencing during this water Tiger year, it can be an exceptionally strong financial year for Monkey. This starts with a change of mindset. Being frugal is fine, but being in a scarcity mindset closes you off to opportunities. Look at how you can manage your life differently, and you'll find fortunate doors open at every turn.

The solar eclipse on April 30 could mean you're working more hours, or even working a second job. Monkey, this helps your bottom line. But more importantly, during this time, you have the opportunity to see how you can make more money with less work.

The new moon on November 23 puts you in the spotlight and gives you an opportunity to gain a beneficial contract. This could be for employment or investment. Monkey, you are holding all the cards. You can negotiate for what you want.