February 2025 - This week, you could find a bounty.
Monday, February 3, is the Yang earth Tiger month. Over the next four weeks, you have more luck, and small gifts and favors seem to come your way. A friend might buy you lunch. A family member could give you a valuable heirloom. You could receive a prize or bonus at work. This month, you can get good deals, win small prizes, and easily find money on the sidewalk.
The full moon is on Wednesday, February 12. Rooster, you could be exploring new types of investments. You might take a class in how to diversify your portfolio using dividend-paying stocks or real estate investment trusts. You might start doing affiliate marketing, selling stock photos, or doing peer-to-peer lending. You’re giving the Universe new ways to send you money.
On Thursday, February 27, there is a new moon. A contract or important email you’ve been waiting for now arrives. You might consult with others to craft the best response or write an addendum. Rooster, your negotiating skills are especially strong now, and others are willing to listen. You’re able to ask for what you want in a way that persuades others to say yes.
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