How Capricorns can silence their nagging inner critic

We all have one... that unkind voice in our heads that points out every flaw or mistake. Your inner critic is there to keep you humble, but the problem is, it often eats away at your ego, making you unjustifiably insecure. Well, I came up with some inner cheerleader comebacks the next time your critic starts whining...

Inner critic: “I suck!”
Inner cheerleader: “I’m doing my best, and that’s good enough!”

Inner critic: “That was stupid.”
Inner cheerleader: “Oops, won’t do that again. Lesson learned!”

Inner critic: “I should ____.”
Inner cheerleader: “I want ____.”

Inner critic: “I look terrible.”
Inner cheerleader: “I have beautiful eyes.” (focus on one thing you DO like, ignore the rest)

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