Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





6/10 Another sign

When it comes to love, these two personalities can be hit or miss. These individuals are very different people, and when they get together it can be an extremely bumpy, yet exciting, ride. Things can move pretty quickly with this union. But if they go too fast, there will inevitably be a crash. The key here, at least in the beginning, will be to slow down and get to know each other better before jumping into anything that they might both regret.

Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see the world as their oyster and are willing to take certain risks to get what they want and obtain success. However, Sagittarius is a lot more impulsive and does things without thinking, which isn’t the Scorpio way at all. Shared experiences can definitely bring them closer, but Scorpio is a lot less flexible when it comes to picking up and going on a moment’s notice. Scorpio has to put things in order before they can pursue their dreams, and Sagittarius will be anxiously pacing as they take their time rescheduling appointments, packing, and double-checking their extensive to-do lists.

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
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When sticking close to home, these two can find plenty to do together. They both like to check out new places, enjoy exotic cuisine, and talk about philosophical topics. However, Scorpio is a lot more stubborn when it comes to having things the way they want them, and Sagittarius can get fed up with their ultra-competitiveness and unwillingness to budge.  

Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, representing their intensity and willpower, plus their ability to transform and regenerate themselves. When Scorpio has their mind set on something, they rarely give up, and this is an admirable quality for Sagittarius. Sagittarius, ruled by easygoing, lucky Jupiter, is much more carefree and optimistic by nature. Life is a never-ending quest for the Archer, and their instinct is to adapt, change, and expand—rather than dig their heels in and stand their ground.

Scorpio is an emotional water sign—deep and complicated. What you see on the surface is only a tiny portion of what you get when to comes to intensity. Sagittarius is a fire sign, who has a tendency to wear their heart on their sleeve. What you see is very much what you get, and these two often have a hard time understanding each other’s motives.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, which explains a lot of their unwillingness (or inability) to adapt. Scorpios like things the way they like them and are good at forming their own little routines that they’re comfortable following. Sagittarius is mutable, meaning they are able to adapt to new situations and things quite easily—and they thrive on it.

Romantically, this can be a sizzling short-term relationship between the sheets. Sagittarius is an “anything goes” type of lover, and they match well with Scorpio’s famous sexual prowess. Sagittarius often looks at sex as just a good time, however. This won’t mesh well with Scorpio’s approach to sex, which is almost spiritual in a way. They can have some intensely passionate moments together, but in the end Scorpio’s desire to possess Sagittarius will be too much for this free spirit to deal with long-term.

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