Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





7/10 Another sign

This is a sensual and romantic pairing when dreamy Pisces meets artistic Taurus. This couple is drawn together almost instantly because of their passions for creativity, taste for the finer things in life, and their mutual aversion to drama. This is a very “Netflix and chill” couple that will actually chill. In the bedroom, this pairing is a delicious blend of sensuality and passion. Practical Taurus completes compassionate Pisces as they work together to create a happy life together. Swoon! 

One reason this couple works is that they complement each other nicely and make up for what the other lacks. Steady and solid Taurus keeps head-in-the-clouds Pisces down to earth and keeps their fantasies from going too far. Taurus is also easygoing and can pull Pisces out of their bouts of melancholy with a joke or a reassuring word. Meanwhile, Pisces can lighten up the “stuffy” Bull with their imagination and refine their taste in art and home decor. Pisces’ gentle nature can soothe Taurus when they have a bad day. Utterly devoted to the other, they shower each other with affection. 

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
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It’s a very sensual love affair when a Taurus and a Pisces get together. Both are highly passionate and can get pretty physical—though not animalistic. Pisces is gentle while Taurus is slow, making sex an all-night affair. Taurus is a very physical being which works out perfectly for Pisces because they LOVE to be cuddled. This pairing loves snuggling almost as much as they love the main event. While Taurus is pretty vanilla and likes to stick to a routine, creative Pisces can talk them into making their fantasies a reality. Pisces is submissive, which suits the dominant Taurus just fine. Both signs have high libidos, which is always a plus. 

Pisces is a very sensitive sign whose feelings get hurt easily. Taurus, always the Bull, can say something hurtful to Pisces without realizing it. Too stubborn to apologize, Taurus may lash out, which doesn’t help the situation AT ALL. So, be mindful of that. 

Another issue is that Pisces is a hopeless romantic, while Taurus is a practical realist. Pisces may expect long, flowery love letters, handmade gifts, words of devotion (think: the stuff out of romance novels). They will not get that from Taurus, who rolls their eyes at mushy affection. Taurus’ love language is physical touch and acts of service. They show that they care by giving Pisces a kiss in the morning and making their lunch before leaving for work—but that may not be enough for Pisces. Taurus will be annoyed that nothing they do is good enough, and resentment builds. 

Learning each other’s love language and clear communication is important for the success of this relationship. Pisces needs to tell Taurus exactly how they feel (because they aren’t great at taking hints) and Taurus needs to be gentle with Pisces’ feelings and not be so careless with their words. Pisces needs to remember that when Taurus gives them a hug and fixes the leaky sink, it means “I love you.” Taurus should resist rolling their eyes when Pisces makes another scrapbook for their six-month anniversary.

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