Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





6/10 Another sign

An unstoppable force meets an immovable object is that happens when a Taurus and a Leo get together. Fixed signs, they fight for control from day one as Leo, the king of Jungle, tries to rule the stubborn Bull whose mind is set in stone. Both are too stubborn to give an inch. On the flip side, this couple looks great together: stylish with big personalities, they can demand the attention of any room they walk into. And their sexual chemistry keeps the relationship sizzling hot. However, this happy couple won’t be happy when Taurus finds Leo’s credit card bill. 

Taurus and Leo have big “power couple” vibes to them. Each has a strong aura about them and each usually has an important high-profile job, so they can be real mover-and-shakers. They are always well-dressed, have a beautiful home, go to fancy restaurants on date nights, and vacation at gorgeous resorts. Both are equally faithful, so infidelity is not usually a problem in this pairing. Family is very important to both signs, so they are eager to have children, raise pets, or just be close to their respective families. 

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
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Each sign brings something to the other. Taurus brings Leo some much needed-structure and budget while Leo’s creativity and flair for theatrics can lighten up the serious Taurus who loves to laugh. Together, they can create a larger-than-life relationship. 

What they lack in conventional compatibility this pair makes up in sexual chemistry. As sensual pleasure seekers, they light a fiery passion in each other. Taurus likes to pamper Leo in bed with soft touches and tender caresses while Leo likes to experiment and gently push Taurus out of their comfort zone. Both highly enjoy foreplay, making sex a fun event. However, Taurus and Leo are dominant in bed, so sex can be a power struggle— a sexy power struggle.

There are some compatibility issues here. The first, is that they have two different personalities. Taurus is introverted, patient, and steady while Leo is extroverted, entertaining, and needs to be at the center of attention at all time. Leo could find Taurus’ safe approach to life boring and cowardly—and has no problems saying that to Taurus’ face. Taurus finds Leo’s flair for the dramatics annoying and childish and will not put up with it. Taurus is deeply private while Leo is an open book. Taurus needs to be appreciated and Leo needs to be worshipped. But both are too stubborn to boost their partner’s ego.

Another issue is money. Both love having the best, but while Taurus will work hard and save money to get nice things, Leo will spend money as soon as they get it. Leo has never heard of a budget, which will drive the earth sign crazy.

Both need to bend a little to make the other happy. Leo needs to let Taurus do the budgeting and take care of the finances while Taurus needs to step outside of their comfort zone. Leo needs to say “thank you” when Taurus does something for them, and Taurus needs to give words of affirmation to Leo daily. If both can overcome their stubbornness, this could be a happy couple.

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