Your Guide to the Stars: Planetary Transits for February 19 to February 26


On February 19, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Guide to the Stars: Planetary Transits for February 19 to February 26

This is a week where anything can happen. Not only does the sun shift from Aquarius to Pisces, which all signs will feel, but a medley of planets make their presences known across the Zodiac. But even though it’s a busy week, it can be surprisingly delightful, with movements by dreamy Neptune and chatty Mars. Sober Saturn may give you pause and ask you to dip into the serious stuff of life, but is that so bad? Here, the planetary transits for February 19 to February 26 that affect all Zodiac signs. 

Chinese New Year is this week. What does the year of the Earth dog have in store for you? Find out with a customized report. 

Monday, February 19
Tap Into Your Intuition 
As the sun shifts into Pisces, your intuition is on point. This is a day (and month) to listen to subtext, pay attention to your gut, and allow your heart to lead the way. It’s also a great time to allow yourself to dip into the world of the esoteric. Stop being so focused on your to-do list and focus on your to-feel list. Don’t have one? Make it a thing!  

Tuesday, February 20
Sign Up For a Dating App 

Single? Don’t “do” online dating? As Venus conjuncts Neptune, it’s asking you to shake up your dating life. If you’re single, try online dating. Attached? Add a new couple activity into the mix. Somewhere in the middle? It may be time to lock things down and establish what’s going on in your dating life. This is a great time for fresh beginnings and fresh starts, so go for it! 

Wednesday, February 21
Hit Up Happy Hour 
The continued influence of the Venus and Neptune conjunction means that it’s a sparkling time for your social life. Today may be a good day to avoid serious conversations and take everything people say with a grain of salt. Still, the day can be really fun, and meeting new people and trying new things is exactly what all signs need on this day. 

Thursday, February 22
Add Creativity to Your Calendar 

As the moon shifts from Taurus to Gemini, today is a great day to spur on your creativity. You may be thinking outside the box—honor these thoughts. It’s also a great day to take time to journal, paint, or do something that connects you to your right brain energy. 

Friday, February 23
Hello, Date Night!

As Venus in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, today is a great day for love. Whether it’s a newish date or your SO, plan for a romantic evening a deux. Be aware that Neptune may bring up some tricky conversations, or you may both realize that you’re not on the same page when it comes to a big decision. It’s not a dealbreaker; talking through the situation and your timelines can actually make you closer. Lead with honesty. 

Saturday, February 24
Give Into Passion 

As Venus squares Mars, sexual tension is at an all-time high, and you may feel especially amorous. The flip side of this is that frustrated sexual tension could lead to fights and disagreements. But with the right partner, the fireworks can be explosive in the best way possible. Give in and enjoy your physicality!

Sunday, February 25
Be Careful About the Info You Share 

Planetary action across sectors can make today a tricky day, especially when it comes to love or money decisions. A Venus-Mars square can cast a shadow over even innocent-seeming conversations. It’s best to avoid conflict today and save the serious conversations for later in the week. 

Read last week’s planetary aspect guide here. 

Read this week’s horoscope here! 

Download your customized Chinese forecast here. 

Have a Magical Week With These Articles! 
Happy Chinese New Year! What Will the Year of the Dog Bring Up For You?
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