This (G-rated) Massage Will Give You a Post-O Glow

I don’t know about you, but my favorite thing about any facial is the massage part. And my least favorite is the slathering on of layer after layer of products, especially when the therapist often finishes up by recommending a total beauty cabinet overhaul. No thanks! As a rule, I feel about my skincare regime the way I do about food—the less complicated, the better.
Which brings me to FaceLove, a new facial concept that’s all about the massage part! A session at FaceLove is designed to do the smoothing, glow-ifying work of fillers and lasers with only the power of touch, “facial exercise,” acupressure, and a hint of aromatherapy oils.
I stopped by at lunch on a Wednesday, in dire need (aren’t we all?) of a soothing time out. Settling back into sheepskin coziness, my subconscious selected the soothing lavender oil, which I was instructed to breathe deeply into my being. And then the massage began, with a vigorous scrubbing motion up and down my jawline (this felt like the “exercise” part!) gradually spreading to incorporate my ears, neck, and the tops of my shoulders.
I’d opted for the 30-minute “Pure Love” treatment, with an emphasis on lymphatic drainage and the release of emotional stress. And as my therapist honed in on specific acupressure points on my skull, I felt the tensions of the day begin to melt away. As I zoned out, the honking of a truck outside took on the timbre of a monastic chant; a conversation between another therapist and her next customer gently entered my consciousness as if it were beamed from another planet.
A brisk once over with a multi-faceted roller, designed to lift the skin and massage the facial fascia, brought me back into the room. The finishing touch? A few swipes from a soothing jade roller, used for centuries in Chinese medicine to cool, tone and tighten the complexion.
Overall, the treatment felt like an infinitely more considered take on the ten-minute shoulder workout you sometimes get while your polish is drying at a traditional nail studio. Checking my face in the mirror on my way out, my eyes appeared larger, and my cheekbones more defined. Not a “miracle” product in use! Best of all, I felt taken care of in a way that only the touch from another human can deliver. And that feeling was what held me for the rest of the day.
Of course, it’s not exactly practical to pop out for a facial massage every day of the week. But a DIY treatment has many of the same benefits, and practicing some self love reminds you that even on the busiest, most hectic deadline-driven days, you’re a human being who needs nourishing to live her best life.
Here, the geniuses at FaceLove share their top massage tips for smoother, happier looking skin. Try them when you’re experiencing stress, and trust me, you’ll be ready to face the world in a whole new way:
- Cup your whole face with the palms of your hands to liberally apply face cream.
- Massage in a spiral motion from the center of the face outwards towards the temples.
- To massage the upper eyelids, slide the fingers outwards from the bridge of the nose. For the lower eyelids, gently slide the fingers outwards in an arc as if ironing out the fine lines at the corners of the eyes. Finish by sliding down towards the sides of the cheeks.
- Cup your whole face in both hands and slide your hands outward towards the bottoms of your ears. End by gently squeezing your earlobes.