The November Full Moon Is All About Getting Answers—Here's a Spell to Help

Are you feeling lost, confused, or uncertain about your path? The upcoming November full moon might just be the answer you’re looking for. As the moon reaches its peak and illuminates the night sky, the energy of the cosmos is ripe for seeking answers and gaining clarity. And what better way to harness this energy than with a full moon spell to help you find the answers you seek?
First, let’s talk about the full moon. In astrology, the full moon represents a time of culmination and release. It’s a time for celebrating your achievements, releasing what no longer serves you, and seeking guidance for your next steps. And with the November full moon falling in the curious and communicative sign of Gemini, the energy is primed for seeking answers and gaining new insights.
Now, onto the spell.
What you’ll need
- A white candle
- Your favorite essential oil
- A piece of paper and pen
- Your favorite crystal
Optional: any other tools or items that hold personal significance or symbolism for you (such as tarot cards, a piece of jewelry, or a photograph)
Step 1: Set the mood
Create a peaceful and uplifting atmosphere in your space. Light some candles, diffuse your essential oil, and play some uplifting music if that helps you get in the right mindset.
Step 2: Meditate and connect with your intention
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Visualize the energy of the full moon surrounding you, illuminating your path and guiding you towards clarity. Now, focus on your intention for this full moon. What is it that you want to know or understand? What answers are you seeking?
Spend a few minutes connecting with this intention, visualizing it as already achieved.
Step 3: Write down your question
Using your pen and paper, write down your question as clearly and specifically as possible. Be open and honest, and don’t hold back. Once you’ve written it down, hold the paper between your hands and infuse it with your intention and energy.
Step 4: Light your candle
Light your white candle and place it in front of you. As you do, recite a simple affirmation, such as “I call upon the energy of the full moon to guide me towards the answers I seek.” Allow yourself to connect with the flame and the energy it represents.
Step 5: Charge your crystal
Take your amethyst crystal in your hands and hold it up to the flame of the candle. Visualize the energy of the flame infusing the crystal with its power and intention. Repeat your affirmation, this time directing it towards the crystal: “I charge this crystal with the energy of the full moon to guide and clarify my intuition.”
Step 6: Ask for guidance
Hold your crystal in your non-dominant hand and your paper with your question in your dominant hand. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to sink into a meditative state. Visualize the energy of the full moon surrounding you, and ask for guidance and clarity on your question. Be open and receptive to any insights or messages that come through.
Step 7: Release and surrender
Once you feel like you’ve received the guidance you need, it’s time to release your question and surrender it to the universe. Place your crystal and paper next to your candle and allow the flame to burn down. As it does, visualize your question being released into the cosmos, free from your grasp and surrendered to the universe. Trust that the answers will come to you in the way and timing that is best for you.
Step 8: Ground and integrate
Once the candle has burned down, take a few moments to ground yourself back in the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a few deep breaths, and thank the energy of the full moon and any guides or spirits that may have assisted you during the spell. Hold your crystal in your hands and feel its grounding and stabilizing energy.
Finally, consider journaling about any insights or messages you received during the spell, and how you can integrate them into your life moving forward.
Remember, the power of the full moon spell lies within you. It’s not about external forces magically granting your wishes, but rather about tapping into your own intuition and inner guidance to find the answers you seek. So, trust yourself, trust the universe, and let the magic unfold.