Mantras to Make Your Dreams Come True Under the Pisces Full Moon


On August 21, 2018

In Astrology

Mantras to Make Your Dreams Come True Under the Pisces Full Moon

The August 2018 full moon in Pisces on August 26 at 4:56 a.m. PST may be just the magic wand you have been waiting for to get your life back on track.

Expect some last-minute miracles, changes, and twists of fate to help you break free from old and limiting patterns in your life, and propel you forward on a path that is much better for you and can help you to achieve more of your heart’s true desires.

The August 2018 full moon is the first full moon after the series of eclipses that recently occurred in Leo and Aquarius, this one is set to help you settle into some big life-changing events that may have come up the past few weeks.

In order to do that, though, you may first have to re-connect with your true self and what is going on inside you, and to make your peace with the past. This August 2018 full moon, which is in beautiful aspect to both Saturn and Uranus, will help you to do just that.

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But it doesn’t stop there. The full moon, with its counterpart, the sun, still in Virgo, will also help you to put some of the strategies, structures and plans in place you need in order to create and live a life that is more authentic to you.

Don’t be afraid to make some big changes in your relationships and your finances in order to find that sense of inner peace, comfort, and security you seek. Do what you need to re-arrange those things so that better, and happier situations, can take the place of old worn-out ones.

You may also need to re-adjust your perspective on life in the process. As your life begins to go in different or unusual directions, you may also need to see life differently. It is not a time to live by old scripts and circumstances, but to break free from those things so that new scripts and circumstances can be created.

The new moon solar eclipse in Leo, which happened earlier this month, was helping you to understand what your heart truly needs to feel the happiest and most inspired — and to take the big risks that can bring those things more and more into your life.

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This full moon is asking you to then take those insights and begin to build on them in a way that helps you to feel more at peace with yourself. It is also asking you to make your peace with the past, and an old life, so that a new one that truly is meant for you can begin.

It may be helpful to meditate, journal, or have a heartfelt conversation with a friend about what you are feeling inside during this full moon. Pisces is a water sign, and the last sign of the zodiac. Doing anything artistic or that has an emotional impact can help you to overcome old habits, find your inner center, and move forward feeling more whole.

I honor my intuition and make time and space to experience the beauty of life.

I have a bright future. My visions of a better life inspire and uplift myself and those around me.

I accomplish anything I set out to do and create experiences that are fulfilling and uplifting.

I open my arms to new beliefs, experiences, and chapters that can re-ignite my passions.

I acknowledge, respect, and trust my emotions, which will not steer me wrong.

I welcome relationships that are more fulfilling and call forth those people that understand my soul.

I create habits, jobs, and patterns that feed my energy instead of drain it.

I deserve good things and am ready to let more love and happiness into my life.

I invite new energy into my home which will help me feel more comfortable all around.

I communicate my truth with purpose and compassion. My words reflect my soul.

I am a powerful creator who is valued, loved, and respected.

I make space for a new identity to emerge that is stronger, happier, and full of life.

— By Brittany Binowski

Catch Brittany Binowski on with her Daily Planetary Overview videos! 

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