December 2024 - This month, it’s time to do new things.
On Sunday, December 1, there is a new moon. Rat, you might be very focused on travel plans. This is a good time to review travel documents, get new luggage, or reserve accommodations. You might consider a visit to in-laws, grandparents, or distant cousins.
The Yang fire Rat month begins on Friday, December 6. This begins your lunar year. Over the next four weeks, the more new things you do and the more seeds you plant, the bigger your harvest will be next year. This is the time to implement something new.
The full moon is on Sunday, December 15. Rat, you could be very busy with communication. This might include written correspondence like text and emails and letters to be answered. Some Rat natives could be speaking in front of an audience or making a presentation at a pivotal work meeting.
There’s a new moon on Monday, December 30. Some call this a black moon because it’s the second new moon of the month. This is a good time to focus on your goals and long-term plans. You might create an online vision board to display as your screensaver. You’re setting yourself up to have a prosperous, successful year.
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