May 2024 - The month begins with a spotlight on your relationships, Scorpio, as the the sun in Taurus activates your seventh house of love and connection. Your focus is on building long-lasting bonds. The new moon in Taurus on May 7 gives you strength to initiate new beginnings with others and focus on future planning.

Mercury enters Taurus on the fifteenth and inspires you to have meaningful conversations. Remember to communicate effectively and share what’s in your heart so you can create trust with others. You can learn a lot about yourself through your relationships!

May Premium HoroscopeMay Premium HoroscopeWe are not going to lie, the month ahead comes with its fair share of intense aspects! May is a month that will keep you on your toes.

The sun enters Gemini and powers up your eighth house of money and transformation on May 20. Embrace change so you can experience empowerment. Budgeting your finances can help you organize your resources. Monetary success comes your way when you cultivate a growth mindset.

On the twenty-third, the full moon in Sagittarius awakens your second house of wealth creation and self-esteem. Let go of anything that no longer aligns with your values. You’ll see long-lasting results when you put forth intentional effort. Venus enters Gemini on the same day and encourages you to explore sensuality and intimacy. Other people find you magnetic, and you’re attracted to people who are emotionally mature.

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25 and guides you to a necessary rebirth process. By facing challenges head-on, you develop personal strength. Follow your intuition and trust that it will never lead you down the wrong path. Your powers elevate when you explore beneath the surface and express your deepest truths.

Good luck this month, Scorpio!

Standout days: 3, 20, 31
Challenging days: 1, 17, 23

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Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

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