May 2024 - The month begins with personal power, Leo, as the sun in Taurus highlights your tenth house of career and influence. Important people are taking note of your natural gifts, and the recognition you deserve arrives in abundance! You have the ability to make an impactful imprint on the world. The new moon in Taurus on May 7 helps you align with your greatest potential and reach a long-term goal.

Mercury enters Taurus on the fifteenth and encourages you to give intentional thought to your career and how you show up. Ask yourself important questions and make sure you align with your responsibilities. Loosen your grip if you find yourself creating unrealistic expectations or pressure.

May Premium HoroscopeMay Premium HoroscopeWe are not going to lie, the month ahead comes with its fair share of intense aspects! May is a month that will keep you on your toes.

Your need to connect with others and embrace your friendships grows as the sun moves into Gemini on May 20, activating your eleventh house of community and networking. When you link up with like-minded people, life gets easier because we’re stronger together. Don’t be afraid to ask for support!

The full moon in expressive Sagittarius illuminates your fifth house of romance and abundance on the twenty-third and brings revelations around what you need to feel pleasure. Enjoy creature comforts. Joy happens when you feel good. Venus enters Gemini on the same day, and collaborations help you expand. Open your mind to see enlightening perspectives.

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25 and empowers you to express yourself. A new passion project could bring lots of success and inspiration. Your gratitude for the positive things in your life helps you multiply blessings.

Good luck this month, Leo!

Standout days: 4, 14, 23
Challenging days: 6, 15, 20

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Leo Sign Compatibility

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