Aries Singles Horoscope

You’re a risk-taker who doesn’t like it when things get repetitive or stale, Aries, but this year’s love lessons include teaching you about the value of getting closure before moving on to the next big romantic adventure.

Saturn is paired with receptive Pisces and your intuitive zone, so your approach to love softens somewhat this year. Instead of fighting important teachable moments, you’re more likely to stop and actually embrace them, which can make a big difference. Slowing down during this introspective planetary partnership shows you that taking the time to emotionally heal from a breakup before trying to move on is much healthier than the alternative.

There is no Venus retrograde this year, and when the goddess of love spends all her time moving forward, that tends to be a good omen for your love life. You’re not someone who clings to the past, so this continuous forward-moving energy means you won’t get stuck in a rut, longing for what used to be. Of course, this cuts down on your reflective time somewhat as well, but you should have plenty of opportunities to learn valuable love lessons without putting the past on a pedestal.

Your sex life sizzles when your strong leader Mars is in your fellow fire sign Leo and your house of romance for most of November and December, which means meeting someone new late in the year has exciting potential. Spending time just having fun will be a main objective now, so look for someone who likes to do the same kinds of things you do. Deeply emotional water signs who just want to sit around and talk about their feelings are not a good match!